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What to do when yo niggah skeemin

You boyfriend is a cheater therefore you have to cut his penis of and feed it to his mom

Wow this boy thing he cute what to do when yo niggah skeemin a voice in my head said burn his house down with him inside I'm going to jail now but it was worth it

by M&Z122514FE February 20, 2017

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

nigga [niggaz] [nigger] [niggah] [niger] [niglet] [nigg`a]

nigger / nigga / niggah & etc.

1: A well-known very offensive term, used by non-blacks for decrimination & their hatred & chauvinist thoughts. The speaker is regarded as a racist. Nowadays ban on TV & radio and most of the official channels and oftenly reffered as the n-word. Also because of the ban on it, it created a fear among people for this word to be spoken.
* It is an equal to the terms used against whites for racism, like 'red necks' 'white trash' & ' crakers' etc.

2: Used among friends to show a close bond or an affection of their relation. This term is oftenly used by African-Americans and is not only restricted to them. However, if used by non-blacks before black then it is believed to be an act of racism.
* To an extent it can be presumed as an equal to the term brother (oftenly used by the well-know WWE legend Hulk Hogan).

3: An aimless stroller or a wanderer.

4: People who migrated from Nigeria to other parts of the world.

5: A person who is negligent to the whole world.
* It can be believed as an equal to the term 'blonde moment'.

6: Uneducated, bad, poor, good-for-nothing, lazy, addict gangster (gangsta) or a criminal.

The terms '*' or 'n-word' can be replaced by the words below.
nigga niggaz nigger niggah niger niglet nigg`a

1: I use to like this place but since there are too many 'n-word' here, I am not sure if I am going to stay here for long. (Purely racist)

2: Hey **gga whazz da crack?!!

3: Whtch ya up to **gga huh! going to the nowhere land loser!

4: Hey the shipment of that **ger got looted on the way, poor guy!

5: This guy is a total **ggah, he doesn't care for anyone not even his own parents!

6: Trust me you don't wanna go to prison it's a place for **ggaz.

by _n!(k_ December 15, 2007

29๐Ÿ‘ 48๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bitchass Niggah Fake Ass Black White Boy

Guys who think they're black but really are just being completely ignorant and crass with their life because they make powder look tan. But still think they're black and walk around with a nasty attitude and pick on other black dudes and other dudes that think they're black...YOU"RE NOT BLACK..because they're cooler than you!

Yo Devin Corbett is such a bitchass niggah fake ass black white boy!

by fakewhiteboyhater January 16, 2010

15๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž

Titty Niggah

When a person shoves a cat's penis into a dog's mouth and sings the national anthem of tunisia while taking a shit and getting sucked off

That's a damn impressive titty niggah!

by TittyNiggah69 August 10, 2023

Crunchy Niggah

A person that is extra deceptive (shady), suspect and highly deceptive.

Some politicians are crunchy niggahs.

by Mooptic531 August 23, 2023

Fake niggah

A person who acts like a real friend but in the end he is a lying sack of shit with a tiny penis. Who gags on dick for a loving

Michael is a fake niggah

by Bigj775982 May 12, 2014


The extreme hate for black colored people

help us raise awareness for the niggahate

by Buttfudger30000 December 1, 2023