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Nissan Cube

A Nissan that was sold in Japan for over ten years that was recently brought over to the US in May 2009 in its 3rd Generation. It's a box-styled car that looks similar to the 1st generation Scion XB, and competes in sales with the Kia Soul, XB, and Honda Element. The cube is known by its signature look with the wraparound rear window and the ripple effect of the spacious inside. Its one of the coolest box cars for 18-25 year olds out there, way better than the Soul!

Shea: Did you see that weird looking boxy car that just passed? It looks like it came straight out of a Dr. Seuss cartoon.
Kelly: Yeah, that's the new Nissan Cube! I really want one!
Shea: Ew, its ugly!

by OctoberKillz August 26, 2009

55πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž

nissan leaf

The sexiest hotrod car of all time.

Ex. Have you seen the Zayd-mobile? It's a Nissan leaf

by Anonymous31415962 October 21, 2013

17πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Nissan patrol

Underpowered shit heap square box on wheels with poor fuel economy and pathetic power compared to every other 4x4 with similar engine displacement, cheap shit bought by people dropped at birth that love muddies and 8 inch lifts with no stand out 4x4 ability

A Nissan patrol really bro? You mean the car version of the titanic with a hamster running in a wheel for power?

by Pootrol November 16, 2019

65πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž

Nissan Disease

A bizarre disorder where the owner of a car, often a Nissan, has a tendency to hug the dotted line of a divided highway, occasionally drifting into the other lane, other times making it almost impossible to pass the sufferer.

Dude 1: "Dude, that douche just spent half an hour practically riding the center line, and he just shifted lanes without signaling!"

Dude 2: "Textbook Nissan Disease"

by JawshBawkes February 6, 2011

10πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Nissan Patrol

Nissan Patrol aka Toyota recovery vehicle is an offroad legend. Often driving through an obstacle to get to the other side to tow a Toyota out.

I said to the bloke I'll take the Patrol first so when you get stuck I can tow ya Crusier out!

You should have bought a Nissan Patrol mate!

by Hansohatori September 7, 2018

64πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž

Nissan Micra

Also known by the name, Nissan March, in New Zealand, this small car is often at the butt of jokes, due to it's slow speeds.

This car is used in Micra - The Game, where the idea is to compete against other members in the cars to spot more Micras than anyone else.

Car made famous by Retail Store Managers in Eastern England.

Nissan Micra - It makes the Ford Focus look like a luxury car.

by thewoundedwanderer September 13, 2009

26πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

Nissan patrol

Top of the range 4wd, pulls out cruisers and leaves them in your dust, not over priced like ya cruisers. Don’t need to wear pit vipers and tight short jeans to drive a patrol.

Nissan patrol β€œslaying pussy since 1975”

by Wilko April 14, 2021

9πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž