Source Code

mang nix

i ant dun nothing or i ant got nothing

i ant dun mang nix chava

by abi taylor December 12, 2003

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nix nuts

gutless person (most cases with male reference)

Nix Nuts will never back you up. He'll run instead of fight.

by WstLwnG March 3, 2009

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Punch Buggy (Colour) nix

It is a game played by punching the person next to you when ever you see a VW Beetle.

Eg. If its Green you will punch the person next to you and say Punch Buggy (Colour) Nix! Three in a row is a hat trick!

by P.un.chy March 8, 2012

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War wohl nix

Passive-aggressive confession of failure.

"War wohl nix"
-"War echt nix"

by Lenosapiens April 14, 2018



Can you nixe the bottle

by Cookieslice May 10, 2021


A nixe person is someone who can be nice but also very rude & uncomforting usually this person doesn’t know when to shut the fuck up but we love them anyway

K:omg they are so nixe it’s crazy
J:they are very caring though when they wanna be

by IsabellArOse January 20, 2022


The CEO of β€œok” β€œyes” and β€œno”

Apex Giggy: β€œNixe this edit is fire good job”

Nixe: β€œok”

by charlie.pflug September 27, 2019