people who treat other races differently (usually in a hateful way) only because of something as ignorant and default as their race. they don't take time to actually get to know the person, they discriminate or automatically judge by how that person looks like. there are, however, reasons for people to be racists, and racism will always exist as long as there is more than one race, and as long as we as humans are only humans. despite how racists recieve a lot of negative feedback in society today, there are still many. an infamous racist organization is the K.K.K. a popular reason for racism, and why the 'white man' is stereotyped as racist, is because of white supremacy, whom also believe that people who are not white should not be in America. what these people don't realize is that being a true American isn't about your skin colour, it is about how you are brought up in America. just because you are Asian does not mean that you go "A CHING CHING GONG CHONG!", just like how not all whites are racists. but despite what people try to do to eliminate racism in a free country like America, there will always be arrogance that funds racism. whoo hooo! fantastic.
W.A.R. white aryan resistance is also a racist organization, bent on bringing 'justice to the aryan race'. the leader, Tom Metzger, is the cause of many hate crimes against non aryans. but understanding is what people need most. but just because racists in general have views that are considered arrogant by popular definition, doesn't mean that they're crazy white men holding up signs and saying that if you're not white, you're going straight to Hell. we should take time to understand WHY exactly they are racist, because most have had very bad experiences with people of other races, and find race a rational reason.
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A wide spead but mercifully shrinking illness. those who do have this nasty sickness try to convience themselves that everyone has it . If fact the majority of people may be fearful of diffrent people due to lack of knowledge , most just need the chance to know someone to realize that all people are basiclly the same .
I have not a racist bone in my body . Ask my asian grandmother , my black mother or my white husband .
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A person who wants people of a certain or all other ethnic groups to go back to their own damn country. These people often sell their souls to watch nascar on TV and sit on the mexican border with a shotgun, creating their own immigration policy.
I am racist and i have HIV.
2923π 3134π
A term to call dumb ass bitches thinking they are superior to others because of their race.
βDid you hear Karen say that to Debbyβ
βIgnore her she is an uneducated racist bitchβ
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1. A person who's education disappeared in the bermuda triangle.
2. A person gets an ultimate erection by hating on a group
3. People who need to breed far far away from this planet
4. People who think they are so cool and edgy...that is until they get what they deserve
5. A wild vicious creature who's normal habitat is in their mother's basement
Black dude 1: Yo man, you need to chill with that shit man we don't play that around here
Racist dude: *attempts to attack black people"
Black dude 2: We tried to warn you
*Black people beat up racist person*
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A person who hates anyone different from them based upon nothing more than their own personal insecurities. Will argue that color, religious preference, gender, and a multitude of other idiotic reasons are the basis for their superiority while dismissing the fact that they are ill bred simpletons.
Example: I am a racist. I hate myself because these people are smarter, faster, and have a better tan than I! I donβt know them at all so I protect the ignorant teachings of my parents by not thinking for myself.
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