Described as being "as divisive as he is legendary," this man is an amazing musician...and a downright horrible person. Even if you agree with him politically, one simply cannot deny that he is an utterly reprehensible human being.
Ted Nugent is the ultimate test of separating the art from the artist
Fucking awesome musician. Fucking terrible human. Not much else to say.
Ted Nugent is where "separating the art from the artist" becomes very difficult.
A really awesome musician. Don't let the fact that he's a godawful human stop you from enjoying him.
Ted Nugent may be a racist, draft-dodging pedophile, but you can't deny he's absolutely outstanding.
This guys loyalty is like he's in the Mob. He wants to be friends with everyone, has confidence like a Rodeo Bull. Women are drawn to him. Men are jealous and envious. If you are lucky enough to meet him, be friends or love him and don't let him go.
I wish Jason Nugent would call me, he is so much fun.
To have one's appointment, event, job, or gig cancelled for reasons that are obvious to everyone except the subject person or entity, who remains oblivious. Originated from the continuing loss of respect and popularity of a noted rock musician among both the benefactors of their social inequity and the subjects his verbal regurgitations. An essential component of usage is that the subject remain oblivious of their own shortcomings. Variations; Got the nuge, in the nuge, received a nugencision.
The incumbent is getting the nugent after revealing an extramarital affair.
Joe is getting the nugent by his friends for excessive flatulence.
Owen Nugent is someone who is beaten by everything in a scrap for example a grape, air, bread or even Cameron pritchard
Omg you get beaten by everything you are such a Owen Nugent