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October 31st

National kiss your boyfriend day

Kiss your boyfriend as much as you want when you want at any time

Hey babe it’s October 31st you know what that means

by Mrs.latisha October 31, 2019

October 31st

Choke the Chicken, Mortify the Meat, Bop your Bologna! Savor today and savor your nut because it’s the last one until December!

On October 31st savor your nut because it’s the last one until December! 😩🤧

by fabegod October 30, 2019

October 31st

It’s fucking Halloween what the hell did you think it was gonna say? Go get fucking drunk and sleep with your boss, maybe wear a slut costume? I don’t know go do something with you life

Person “hey it’s October 31st what are you doing tonight”
Other person “idk what am I supposed to do”
Person “it’s fucking Halloween
Other person “oh- I knew that

by Itsokyk October 19, 2020

October 31st

On October 31st Give Your Gf/Crush A Love Letter

“Hey, It’s October 31st So Read This” *Hands GF Love Letter*

by Breadzblood October 27, 2021

October 31st

Any girl named Uma has to give any guy named Isaac a blowjob

Isaac: can’t wait till October 31st for that blowjob!
Uma: wait what?

by Just4kicks96 October 27, 2019

October 31st

Apart from being the day known as Halloween, where children dress up as scary costumes or cosplay characters it is also the national tell your crush you have feelings for them day.

Raf: today is October 31st should I tell my crush I like her?
Blyatmobile: yes totally, today is the day!

by onearoskata8lhptikosneos October 30, 2019

October 31st

National Last Nude of October Day

It’s October 31st. That means it’s the last chance to send someone a nude this October before that dreaded month of November. Make sure it’s good or at least send a couple

by Horse0332 October 27, 2021