Source Code

clothing optional

Words on a sign at boundary of naturist beach, beyond which it becomes a criminal offence to wander about buck naked.

Billy eventually got the courage to remove his trunks at the clothing optional beach.

by Kerb November 29, 2004

54๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Read Option

The act of a male placing a finger in a female's anus during sex. The man does this to read the female's defense of potential anal sex.

"Nick, why didn't you put it in Debbie's ass?"

"When I ran the read option on her she didn't like my finger in her butt. I had to shut it down"

by LightEmUpRuRu January 20, 2015

Hygiene Optional

(1) One step beyond casual friday - Going to work unwashed in dirty clothes
(2) A work place dominated by unclean, unwashed co-workers
(3) A remote work location such as Alaska

Jimmy: "Have you been out to the field office?"
Jack: " Yeah it's totally hygiene optional with that crew - especially the chick"
Jimmy: "What are you talking about - she has most of her teeth"
Jack: "Yeah - in a JAR!"

by Major Kong February 25, 2007

20๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

option paralysis

The tendency, when given unlimited choices, to make none.

I've been offered three jobs this week, but I have option paralysis, so I think I'll just stay here at my McJob.

by Meaghan Fisher May 15, 2006

83๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Figel Option

A term used in beer pong that replaces a team mate for usually just a throw. The replacement can be anyone near the table choosen by the single player. This term is put in effect if the missing team mate taken a piss, droppin a deuce, or just unavalible at the time of his throw. This keeps the game flowing.

"Yo my team mate went to drop a deuce, imma have to run the figel option."

by Y0shi November 27, 2005

10๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Best Option

A pompous ass that proclaims he can do something, which far exceeds any capabilities he really has. This usually occurs in a person who has an inflated ego and has been drinking heavily. When he attempts to backup his talk, he fails miserably and is a complete embarrassment.

Oh, you need someone on your team for beach volleyball? The rest of these guys suck. I could've been on the Olympic team if I wanted, so it's pretty obvious that you should choose me. I'm your "Best Option"!

by Bottoms Up! February 6, 2010


When you give someone 2 or more options and they reply 'Yes'; making the situation confusing.

Dave: "You wanna go to the cinema tonight or go get something to eat?"

Sarah: "Yeah."

Dave: "Looks like we've got another option-mong here."

by WelshBwoi November 15, 2010