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Villa park high school

Villa Park High School is a school in Villa Park, California. They are better than Canyon, Orange, El Modena, and all of the other schools in every way, shape or form. They are 9-0 in football and are about to beat Canyons ass on Friday October 26. Go Spartans!!!

Villa park High school is the best school in the Orange unified school district

by Cameroon21 October 23, 2018

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orchard park high school

white trash where everyone smokes darts

orchard park high school is filled with potheads

by pedro mcmurphy April 6, 2017

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Eden Park High School

Eden Park High school is a new school in Beckenham. The uniform is manky especially the kilts. Youโ€™ll find some weird ass teachers and some weird ass children. Youโ€™ll probably hear of a few. If your in top set you get literally no achievement points.

I love Eden Park High School

by whatsapp July 29, 2019

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roselle park high school

In this school people think their the shit and although itโ€™s a white town/ school; everyone uses the N word, but it doesnโ€™t matter depending on how popular you are and how broken your english is.

Roselle Park High School is the safest place there is

by Donny from the handle February 10, 2018

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Allen Park High School

A high school full of kids who think they are better than everyone else. Some kids from APHS are good people, but others are players and jerks. There are a lot of good looking guys there, unlike any other high school around.

Jenny: That baseball boy is hawt.
Kara: Yeah, I heard he goes to Allen Park High School.

by yourworstnightmarelol December 1, 2019

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Eden park high school

A fucking shit school, with a head teacher who chats the most shit about butterflies and the head of our academy doesnโ€™t pay fucking tax donโ€™t come to our school

โ€œOh thatโ€™s such an Eden park high schoolโ€

by Olotungi July 16, 2019

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Baldwin Park High School

A full spirited school in Baldwin Park Ca.

It went from being ghetto to athletic and full of smart kids.

full of pretty girls!

they know how to have fun! (:

Person #1: Hey lets go to a Baldwin Park high school game!
person #2: HECK YEAH ! It was so much fun last time ! they have so much food HEAVEN !

by TMUS May 11, 2013

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