One who constantly declines invitations to gatherings and events using the excuse of having to take a flight for work.
John: Why isn't Mikey here?
Rick: He wanted to make it, but he's leaving for Butte, Montana tomorrow.
John: Yeah right, that pathological flyer.
stop being a pathological liar you’re turning into kiya brooks
A pathway in your mind that creates an illogical mindset to where you will lie unintentionally, and believe your own lies. After so many lies of this nature and years of them, you will no longer be able distinguish your own lies from other peoples as well.
Some of the symptoms of a pathological liar are: they lie to gain something, exaggerating things, they keep on changing their stories, and they live in a false sense of 'reality. ' If confronted, they act defensive and never admit that they are liars. Lastly, they hold no value for truth.
Usually goes by the name of Ethan.
Don’t believe him, he doesn’t have 6 toes and the ability to fly.
Ethan’s mind: “if I say I am the messiah will they believe me? Yes, whatever gets us more attention. I crave attention. I am a pathological liar. My name isn’t even Ethan, that’s another lie”
Ethan: “did you know I am the messiah ?”
A person who can’t help but lie. Usually lies about things to seem smarter, funnier, or cooler.
Kuvam: Yeah I have 1.5 million dollars in eth and went 180 down that B road
Chloe: Yeah he’s a pathological liar
Pathological liar - actually believes his own lies. And his minions do as well.