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Onion Picker

Someone who is so desperate for a relationship that they turn towards their own friends for a relationship.

Friend 1: Wow, Shae is such an onion picker!

Friend 2: I know, she just can't stop dating within the friend group!

by Smallest Boy September 29, 2018

cotton picker

A Black person. A reference to Africans, used as slave-labor, picking cotton on Southern United States plantations prior to the American Civil War (1861 - 1865).

No damn cotton picker's gonna date my daughter.

by Colonel Kernel March 7, 2008

761πŸ‘ 216πŸ‘Ž

cherry picker

In sports, someone who prefers to take only easy shots. Mildly disparaging.
A common example comes from basketball, in which a "cherry picker" is a person who favors short shots, but especially a person who sits in the back court by the basket waiting for an outlet pass on a change of possession, enabling them to score easily before any defenders can reach them.
The origins of this term may come from the notion of "cherry picking" as attempting, or picking, only those things that are easily obtained, or only what suits your taste best, as a cherry might.

That punk can't ball for nothin'. He just sits back and cherry picks all day.

by osofuchi March 18, 2005

305πŸ‘ 84πŸ‘Ž

nit picker

{Fussy} {moaner} {nagger} {hassler}

a nit picker is someone who picks holes in everything you do

by Prof Stretch June 24, 2006

54πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Strawberry Picker

An individual who only dates or hooks up with redheads.

Have you noticed Jason only hooks up with redheads?
Yeah...you didn't know he's a strawberry picker?!

by NailedItTWICE November 9, 2017

Grape Picker

A beaner; A Mexican; equivalent of calling a Black person a cotton picker but towards a Mexican

Demarcus: Yo
Adrian: Wassup nigga
Demarcus: Don’t call me nigga you grape picker
Adrian: Sorry cotton picker

Both: hahaha

by Abrahams Mom November 4, 2020

docker picker

Someone who picks cigarette end up off the pavement/ashtray or where ever else they might be and smokes them, or maybe keeps them in a collection. Usually used as an insult by chavs

guy: Hey look, i found a half-smoked cigarette!
chav: fuckin docker picker! (punches him with a hand covered in cheap gold rings from argos)

by FeelThePower March 28, 2008

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