Pickle rick is the vegetative version of Rick from Rick and Morty.
I'm Pickle Rick!
The funniest shit I’ve ever seen
Im a Pickle, I’m Pickle Rick
he turns himself into a pickle rick😳😎
🅱️unniest shit ive ever seen 😂😂🤣💩
Tobzz08, AHhahahah ur pickle boy now
"Hahah toby is Pickle rick"
When you find a pickle and give to a person called rick
A Pickle called rick
A pickle that can talk that has a face called rick
Man:"hey pickle rick"
Pickle Rick:"shut the fuck up bitch im pickle rick"
Man:"calm down you look like your in a pickle"
Pickle Rick:"no shit sherlock"
Man:"ummmm ok"
Man (walks away)
The most annoying phrase on the fucking planet. Seriously you'd think people would stop already.
Its Pickle Rick!!!
Adults Swim's terrible attempt to get more people to watch Rick and Morty.
IM Pickle Rick!!!!