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The prescription drug Xanax

Hey you wanna buy some planks?.. 3 for 10?

by nemizis November 1, 2007

80๐Ÿ‘ 46๐Ÿ‘Ž


The act of laying on anything to fit in and look like a retard while your friends take pictures of you.

Guy1: What are they doing?
Guy1: Ew the ground is so dirty I'm going to go t-bag that faggot

by dwbrown705 June 18, 2011

257๐Ÿ‘ 170๐Ÿ‘Ž


1.) The stupidest fucking idea on the face of the earth. Famous in Stafford, VA.

2.) The act of laying face down on something in a rigid state for no fucking reason and taking a picture.

Sane Person: Why the fuck would I do that.

by IfuckinghatePlanking May 24, 2011

20๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


The latest and by far the lamest internet craze in which "people" (mostly bored juveniles and and immature, attention-seeking virgins) participate in.

It involves lying down on your stomach in a public place, with your arms on your side and feet pointed, trying to resemble a plank.

"Plankers" will often take photographs of themselves and post them on facebook, so that their other planking friends can see what an amazing accomplishment they have achieved.

These are the official rules of planking according to there Facebook page:

When performing a Plank:

1/ You must always lay face down, ensuring your face remains expressionless for the duration of the Plank.

2/ Your legs must remain straight, and together with toes pointed.

3/ Your arms must be placed by your side, held straight and fingers pointed.

4/ You must make it known that you are Planking. Saying 'I am Planking' usually get this across. Sternly announcing it will ensure a good result.

5/ Your safety should always be considered. Properly thought through Planking procedures should always go to plan. Never put your self at undue risk.

6/ Every Plank that is captured must be named.

Jack "Hey dude, let's go planking"

John "What? You do that gay shit? Get away from me"

by numeratededed May 15, 2011

28๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


An idiotic fad in which kids lay flat across a surface with arms at sides, chin up and toes pointed. Although, half of them just lay across the surface.. Then post pictures of this act on social networking sites such as facebook, thinking it makes them cool.

John: "Ayeee, look at the kid planking on the feild goal post!"

Scott: "Dude, that's the stupidest thing i've ever seen. I hope he falls."

by whaaaathetruck July 31, 2011

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


An act of lying face down atop an object, landmark, animal or other person, then stiffening one's form so that one's arms are firmly held by one's side and toes are pointed; taking on the physical characteristics of a plank.

Planking is usually recorded and uploaded to social networking sites to gain kudos for the level of comedy, aesthetic or endangerment accomplished in execution.

It is said to have originated in Adelaide, South Australia.

Nah dude, he's just planking the troposphere.

by Nib Oswald May 15, 2011

326๐Ÿ‘ 252๐Ÿ‘Ž


Established in Australia. When and individual lays down stiff and straight with hand by his/her side in the most awkward and inappropriate places possible (cop cars, poles, buildings, in public) and often take a photo of themselves and share with friends

friend: i wasn't that drunk
other friend: dude you tried planking my cat.

by rangahah May 15, 2011

337๐Ÿ‘ 266๐Ÿ‘Ž