Source Code

Plasters radio

Covered in spunk

Paul “I saw Sharon’s holiday photos, in one of them she looks like a plasterers radio”

Chaz “ plasterers radio? Was she working while she was away?”

Paul “ that’s one way to put it, working her lips around plenty of cock and getting men to shoot their whack all over her”

Chaz “dirty old slag”

Plasters radio covered in seaman

by Paz1878 November 12, 2022

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ass plaster

when one's ass is crusty from scabs or shit

Stevens road rash was so bad when it began to heal it looked like he had ass plaster

by curtmagurt July 6, 2013

An Abigail plaster

When you put a plaster on something that really does not need it.

An Abigail plaster is when you put a plaster on a sore toe or any other part of your body that has no visible inflammation or blister or reason which would normally warrant it. The only rationale being to pamper the aura (and get a bit of attention).

by iAndre February 5, 2011

plasterer's pocket

Phrase used to describe the dryness of one's mouth in the morning,after a night out on the beer.

"Christ,I've got a hangover from hell and a mouth like a plasterer's pocket"

by J Strummer September 6, 2006

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plastered painter

a painter who's abilities are unmatched. often paints alone, 'cause no one else is worthy to be around him. sometimes tends to be a racist. loves beer and does his best work when intoxicated.

that guy over there is a plastered painter.

by ppainter November 5, 2011

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Plaster Blaster

When a girl with a cast on her arm gives you a hand job while giving another guy a blow job. Preferably with a cast that extends up to and wraps around the thumb.

Billy felt quite chafed the next day after receiving a Plaster Blaster.

by The Mufin Man October 17, 2007

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Plaster of Penis

British slang
Yet another coined term meaning the contents of the testicles.
However "plaster of penis" is usually too wordy to actually thread into a sentence and so is never often used as a metaphor for come/cum.

"Fredrick the novelist was having enormous trouble including 'Plaster of Penis' into his pornographic literature, as it spoiled the rhythm of his sentence structure."
"Father MacDougall made a tissue sculpture using plaster of penis as his glue."

by Stuart Fletcher November 3, 2004

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