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Staccato Poetry

"Staccato" is the Italian word, meaning detached. In music a dot is usually placed above the music note, indicating those notes should be distinctly seperate, while also being short in length.

"Staccato Poetry" is a term applying to abrubt, short, detached, distinct, choppy poetry; a term used by poet Maia Szekeley to describe her style of writing.

Similar to Haiku, but not the same. Staccato Poetry has no set meter or form. The point is brevity. Saying as much as you can, in as few words as possible.

This kind of poetry should have a musical quality to it, abrubt and distinct, when read.

This poetic style can also be attributed to Belfast writer Ciaran Carson, whose 2003 poem 'Breaking' broke from his usual meandering works, to be labelled Staccato.

Examples of Staccato Poetry by Szekeley.


airplanes float

unmoving in the sky

tiny orbs of light

like stars, flickering

all those people

going somewhere


i want to feel you with palms,

and fingers, and fingertips,

mouth too, lips


Breaking by Ciaran Carson

red alert

car parked

in a red


about to




so quiet

you can


hear it rust

by Jskl September 26, 2010

12👍 1👎

emo poetry

Emo poetry is uslually written with pain. When the emo girl/boy expirences something they dont like to talk about or it just hurts to much they would most likley write poetry about it.

Normaly poetry isnt explaining it. Its more of a puzzle. But... Something you have to think about for a minute. Sometimes they put reasons for the things they write at the end. There are many types of emo poetry, some are joyfull then suddenly drop to pure sadness. Some are even sick.

This is an example of Emo Poetry written by an Emo Girl-

The light is dimming.
I’m getting weaker.
My breathing gets harder at every breath.
Now Harder.
People around me.
I think.
Otherwise Angels.
Or demons.
I cant tell.
I don’t care.
Tell me you love me,
and that everything will be alright between you and me.
That we can be friends again.
That you don’t love her.
It just might be my life.
I feel my body hit the ground.
whatever they are,
yelling or maybe talking.
I don’t know.
You just don’t say anything.
You only sit there,
not knowing anything that’s happening to me.
My heart skips a beat.
And Before I know it,
my life falls to pieces.

by Shaylyn August 17, 2006

239👍 66👎

Poetry Basics

Poetry is simple, i will break it down in 3 parts, the opening , the middle and last and probably least the ending. The opening is arguably the most important part as here you are able to show how truly white and privileged you are so you attract all the 40 year old women reading your work and make them think that your bullshit is very deep and is so emotionally dense. Start with something like "And I therefore I am so" or " Because I could not stop for Death" or something that makes absolutely no sense is nowadays common English but people insist on writing like this to make the readers life more difficult. The middle part of your poem is important too, you should just take the scenario of your favourite porn films and use high level vocabulary to express your self so that the readers (mainly 40 year old white women) will think its peak romance. The ending is useless as no one is going to finish your poem, any potential non 40 year old white woman will have left by now or slept, and only the most elite of white 40 year old women are able to sustain as such, just write about some how the male of your romantic poem died or something I really don't care

Poem: "And I i will so be it in Rome I will suck you off Petrissa"
Whitest of women: "This is the best poetry I have ever witnessed, Poetry Basics really helped me appreciate this art more"

by ShitsJustAJoke November 30, 2020

LSD poetry

Why were you born!? oh large and crusty one. master of the dragon lords are you! with powerful sword and mindless violence you destroy them to bits and bones! strong are you, master of the sword, concuctor of evil spirits and horrible child head cancer! they fall at your feet and succumb to your powerful mind bending arithmatic artichoke attacks. arghhhhhhh! why wont you let them sleep? sleep themselves from the coma of life littered elephants! oooooooo bacon fudge nuggets with tobasco sauce and crohns disease. let them free! they will love you more bopple wopp with exercise and congeniality click fock of a german house wifes wall clock! be gone foul demon of washed up spaghetti pancreatic fluid imposed jum jum. life is too much like sqiurrels wearing clogs and tap tap tappin whilst your rap rap rappin. Be strong oh impervious ridged judas look-a-like! your time will come with fish in sock blender! death is your escape, but mooko juice is just as effective forhead scarf rape. i say never to the giraffes but always to the rhinocerous. remeber my words of reasonalby wisdom

Badgers love to be with other badgers, but they wont care if they have no heads.

by Dont u think im sexy? April 14, 2005

161👍 44👎

Poetry Analysis

A form of poetry reading where you take every line of text out of context and interpret it super loosely.

Teacher: Let's begin poetry analysis.
Author: The curtains are blue.
Teacher: The curtains are blue means that the owner is struggling with mental illness and is thinking about suicide.
Author: No, the curtains are fucking blue.

by mr suicide man September 29, 2020

Poetry Stoop

A stoop on which you sit on with another person and u magicaly have the ability to write poetry that rhymes about various surrounding people and objects.

Sitting on the Poetry Stoop Alex and Christian wrote a beautiful poem about Jack Daniels.

by C.T.P. May 4, 2006

canine poetry

Poetry about SA, failing to protect yourself or others, and abuse that’s typically depicted with dogs and how they bark and bite

“I bare my teeth to try to stop you. I was uncomfortable that you were hurting me. But I never wanted to hurt you So I let you touch me” -Canine poetry

by Ballincat434343 October 8, 2023

4👍 1👎