Staff priore is one bad mother trucker he is the toughest of the tough, He can be a very kind and good man
but when you make him mad he will beat you up and he never gives up.
staff priore is coming HIDDDEEE!!!!.
One Bad mother trucker, He is very committed and never gives up. Messing with this dude he will beat you up, Hes a kinds man and always helps.
hide because Staff Priore is coming.!!!!
a gay cunt with curtains who constantly smokes durries and jumps from chick to chick. he’s nice to you only if you shout him weed and sex. he has an addiction to his jawline on his snapchat story and shit talking his fellow peers. although cooper may be very charming to some, he will fuck with your feelings. he’s kinda short tho
“hey ladies, i just got a 30 bag, wanna get high and let me eat you out” - cooper
“oh cooper prior you’re so charming tehe” - ladies
A little fucking bitch that can’t down a pint because it hurts their stomach. Priors are a rare case in humanity and can be reported to your local police station as it’s currently a world round effort to systematically weed these individuals from the gene pool.
“Is prior coming out tonight?”
“No. He’s a bitch”