Girls, who are between the ages of 9 - 16, that "hooch it out" desperatelly trying to be like "Brittany" or "Christina". These prostitots are usually found in hordes a the local mall, thus, making shopping a rather unpleasant and tedious experience for the rest of us.
For examples - Take a trip to the food court at your local mall.
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a.) a prostitute that is underage.
b.) someone who dresses provocatively to attract older guys to sleep with them.
Eric: Did you see that girl we just passed on the corner?
Sarah: Yeah... what a prostitot.
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A girl under the age of 16 looking like a tart!
every female chav in her older sisters clothing and tango orenge skin! a Prostitots natural enviroment are street corners outside Off liceneces asking passer bys to buy them Cigerettes or Cider as they want to get mashed.
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A promiscuously dressed girl under the age of eighteen that generally screams she will be the end result of a Megan's Law violation
Why do these disney channel girls dress like prostitots!?
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A prostitute in training , Usually under the age to know better than to dress like a skank. These minors are the annoying ones drunk off 1 beer at the bar they got into with a fake ID. The ones who do the "whooooo" noise every 5 mins when they see a fellow prostitot. They also tend to be idiots so conversation is out of the question.
Prostitot: The 15 year old at the mall with the hoop earrings mini skirt and half shirt in December with more makeup on than a male cross dresser, who asks you to bum a smoke and tells you she is 18...
Just kick them
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An Underage female dressed slutty
A young woman under the age of 17 who wheres club clothes to hang out with friends
Every Friday night the Prostitots hang out in front of Starbucks
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One who is within the parameters of 0-36 months of age that becomes involved in any type of sexual activity, including, but not limited to fellatio, anal or vaginal intercourse, with the intention of receiving cash, credit, or debit pay in full for exchange of said stated sexual favors.
"So John Doe, saw you picking up a prostitot on the East Side." "Ya, it was her second birthday, so i took her out to the Chuck-E-Cheese's before i skull-fucked the shit out of her."
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