Because Elliot is a dumbass everyone can punch him
Because max is strong Elliot is getting punched; therefore it is National punch Elliot day
On every december 12th it is okey to punch gay people.
It is punch a gay day. Example if you punch a gay (someone who you think are gay) on december 12th every year they can not do anything about it.
Everyone has to punch a boy on 28th of February otherwise they get to say something they hate about you.
Fiona: It’s national punch day
Olivia: Oh yea. Let’s go punch a boy before they say something they hate about you!
Every 20th of december you are allowed to punch a woman in her boob (only if its a friend, because doing it to a stranger could place you in jail). It was made to couner kick dick day.
Guy: you know what day it is?
Girl: no?
Guy: its punch boob day!
Girl: ewww you sexist pig!!
Guy: *proceeds to punch the girl in the breasts and face*
oh my god its february 14!!
time to punch graham, its national punch graham day!
Allir 06 eru faggar þannig að við þurftum að lemja þá National punch a 06 day is heald every year on the 10th of October
O shit it's it is the 10th of October it means it's the national punch a 06 day let's punch them