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Pussywhipped Pigford

Black male from the boro who is whipped so badly he has been inducted to the hall of fame with the name “whipped pigford”

Wife:Make me a taco bitch
Whipped Pigford: ok bae

Pussywhipped pigford

by Pussywhipped pigfor December 16, 2022

2👍 2👎


A nigga controlled by Pusey he ain’t never gone touch

Mark stop dicksuckin them bitches you pussywhipped

by Baby Smoove November 15, 2021


To be in the act of and/or have the intention of remaining a bitch for a prolonged state. When a mate becomes so whipped you lose all contact and friendship, only seeing them briefly in an unrecognisable state due to prolonged exposure of seeing their woman. Said woman can be a bitch or nice and cause the same problems although being nice will reduce initial fuck yous towards the girlfriend, however this is temporary and the fuck youse said to the girlfriend are an inevitable part of being a pussy whipped little bitch. If fuck yous are deployed by the boys towards the girlfriend the man must not interfere and wait until her trial is over.

In conclusion there is no resolve other then complete and absolute surrender of our mate.

Kindly wewantourmateback@fuckbitches.gov

Is Tom not coming?
He said he was?
he’s with his woman of course…. Pussywhipped.

by Kttxus March 25, 2022


Pussywhipped is when a man does everything a woman says and never hangs with the boys.

This dude Chris Mercier is always pussywhipped. I’ve know him since 2005 and always on a leash by a woman, dude is always pussywhipped

by TonyRocha33 July 7, 2024


Cannot do anything because your woman is telling you no

Yo shawn can you come out?

Nah i’m on the phone with shyanne and she said no

you pussywhipped shawn

by tatedontmasterbate April 17, 2024


Cannot do anything because your woman is telling you no

Yo shawn can you come out?

Nah i’m on the phone with shyanne and she said no

you pussywhipped shawn

by tatedontmasterbate April 17, 2024


nicolas henry virnig

nicolas henry virnig is pussywhipped.

by sexhavernumberone December 18, 2023