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The most amazing guy youโ€™ll ever meet. He's the sweetest fella on the block. He's hella modest, & He will never admit to how great of a guy he is. Any girl would be lucky to have him. He's cute, funny, outgoing, js an all around amazing individual. He's down-to-earth & real. Ryan is perfect

My boyfriend's such a Ryan! He's everything I could ask for.

by AYEEEEEZY September 12, 2010

124๐Ÿ‘ 45๐Ÿ‘Ž


the kind of person who never stops talking. You sometimes wish you could slap him, but you love him anyways. He eats everything he can gets his hands on. All in all, he is a very kind human being.

Girl: Ryan, shut the hell up.

by alycatluvszeganja May 8, 2011

76๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž


A little guy to shank somebody thats twice his size.

Hey yo' Ryan! Why you did that for G!

by Mr.Coolfool2124 November 30, 2016

12๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


The swaggiest mofo to have ever graced this beautiful planet.

"Whoa, look! It's ryan!"
"I am unworthy, I am unworthy"

by klamidya June 19, 2013

50๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


Ryan is the sweetest guy ever. He's always happy and sweet to everyone around him. He's very mature and keeps a lot in. Ryan is well-known and has tons of friends there for him. Although he gets used and hurt a lot, he doesn't let that change how much he cares about people. Nothing can make him turn even slightly cold hearted. It's just not in him to do so. His personality is beautiful and endless. Which is why he's able to get along with so many people, along with being the understanding guy that he is. Ryan respects everyone who deserves it. He's patient, kind, and always willing to help a friend out any way he can. But Ryan does have his limit, and he'll show it. He needs love. Love him with your all, and he'll give you his all. He's also very passionate when it comes to doing what he loves. Such as BABYING his new amazing car, artwork, and occasionally playing piano. All in all, Ryan's just a simple, good person.

He looooovvveeesss Savannah. So don't try to get with him. Cause he's hers. Point blank. Period. She loves him too. With all the broken pieces left of her heart.

"Oh look it's Ryan! He's such a great guy!"

by Leedle Lee June 21, 2013

59๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž


Ryan is one outstanding individual who has the potential to make anyone and everyone laugh at any given moment. His eyes are so amazing when you look at them its like looking into a well filled to the top with Diamonds. Ryan loves to be around people and make them laugh. He is truly amazing at whatever he does because of the simple fact that he never does anything halfway. When Ryan smiles the Earth shifts 360 degrees and considering hes always smiling that amazing smile the Earth is always moving, his smile seriously makes the world go around. His heart is so compassionate and filled with love for other people he has the sweetest personality you may ever run into! He will make your day with just a small grin! He is Ryan and he is Wonderful!!

"oh my goodness who is that amazing person"
''that is Ryan"

by jlk0212 January 17, 2015

33๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


A sweet, kind, and handsome guy. Always is super caring and understanding. He only wants the best for you and won't let you slip away. He will become your biggest supporter even if it is something he is not quite interested in. Always wants you to feel safe and tell him everything. He wants to be the one you come to in need. He is very lovable. He also has nice shoe game.

Ryan's girlfriend or boyfriend depending: Ryan is such a sweet guy! I am so happy he is my boyfriend.

Ryan's friend: Nice shoe game buddy!

Ryan: Thanks! My mom said that I we can take you to the place I got them, and you can pick some out you like.

Ryan's friend: Wow! Thank you! That's really nice.

by It's_an_Abigail December 3, 2015

59๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž