acronym: Slave Trade Market
means: or market where you trade slaves back in 1800's
trading and illegally transporting black people (who were slaves back then)
look at this nigga, he escaped from a STM
STM: Shut their mouths.
It’s none of their business to talk about my life; ask them to STM
*posts on Instagram*
Guy slides up: damnnn u fine asf ma we should link and you can stm
A trash middle school in Susquehanna Township that’s old and falling apart. The students there are crackheads that smoke weed and drink vodka during class. There’s nothing good about this school except that i guess you could say it’s “diverse”. People fight over dumb shit and are childish. Everyone there is dumb except for a few select people. All of the school dances suck and they aren’t fun. The teachers are never there so there are constantly substitutes in classes. In conclusion don’t go there.
Person: Where do you go to school?
Person: Oh... that sucks
STM means skinny to muscle. The creator can be found on stm__fitness Instagram
Wow you’re making gains
Yeah I’m STM now. As I’ve been following the program which is on