Having Digested popcorn kernels expelled from one's anus onto another person's upper lip in a such a precise manner it appears to be a mustache.
Johnny had popcorn, Jenny needs a mustache.. the combined result an Orville Sache
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Tay-Sachs disease is a rare genetic disorder in which an enzyme called hexosaminidase-A is missing. This enzyme is vital in breaking down harmful substances known as lypids. When these lypids build up in the brain they cause brain dammage, and cause death usually by the age of 3 to 5 years of age. Its autozomal recessive so both the wife, and the husband have to be carriers of the Tay-Sachs ghene to have a possibility of having a child affected with Tay-Sachs disease. If both partners are carriers they have a 1-4% chance of having a child affected with Tay-Sachs disease. Tay-Sachs disease is ALWAYS fatal.
When Fred was born genetic tests showed that he had Tay-Sachs disease disease. He died at the age of 3 years.
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2011: Goldman Sachs fat cats
Goldman Sachs are staffing US Treasury & the Federal Reserve.
Goldman Sachs took over the world and American economy.
Goldman Sachs rules the world.
Goldman Sachs Gets Multi-Billion Dollar Payback for Backing Obama.
Goldman Sachs was bailed-out by Federal Reserve.
Ponzi King - Bernie Madoff says, The whole US government is a Ponzi scheme, run by Goldman Sachs !!
OBAMA, The Wall Street President, Needs One Billion Dollars For The 2012 Campaign; time to shake down the Goldman Sachs fat cats?
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When a woman chugs a brew, and immediately sticks a hairy ball in her mouth. While she has the ball in her mouth she tries to put as many $100 bills in as possible.
Chase: Shit man, I'm broke
Tyler: Dude, ask Thotiana to give you a Milwaukee Hairy Goldman Sachs. If you get her drunk enough, you can make out like a king.
Chase: Fuck it, I'm calling her
βAlter! Das ist epische sache!β βEnglish: Dude! Thats epic stuff!β
A slang term used by only the coolest, most awesome people in New York City to define Goldman Sachs.
Did you hear that bob got an amazing new job after he left Citi? Yea, he works at The 'Sachs now
An Unearthly being with unlimited rizz.
Yo you seen Sach with his W rizzz