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Some one who thoroughly believes that by wearing multi colored pants, having big chunky black hair, looking like a stapler attacked their face, and wearing dinosaurs and Hello Kitty shirts, they are better than the rest of their peers. They usually act in an outlandish "I'm special, can't you tell by the skinny jeans and bright colours?" attitude. They can be spotted at hardcore shows, though it is rare that they make it indoors *glug glug*. The common 'Scene Kid' likes to keep all of the best parts of childhood, but is still 'way too out there' to be a child... that and most children aren't whores-male and female scenesters are. Scene Kids listen to shitty scene music, and keep livejournals because they're so outlandish that they don't need privacy.

Example of Scene:

Scene Kid 1: Love the Thomas the Choo Choo back pack and the Ariel hair clips! They match your septum piercing and venerial diesease perfect!

Scene Kid 2: Yea Niga! Aren't I so outrageous?

by SnoopyTheDog January 9, 2009

14๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


Scene is a steriotyped label such as - goth,emo,grunger,preppy...etc

Tis goes beside the emo label as some traits are very similiar.
The scene always chenges- this can be looked at many ways such as, the scene where people go and the scene is what people like to wear and so on as so forth.

Many inconsiderable people such as chavs dont understand the scene and never wil cause there never rise to there level.

Scene kids wear-
van's, converse, bandanna's, drainpipes, tight tee's with slogans on or scene bands.

Scene kid's listen to-
Scene bands who are either powerpop or electro such as, cute is what we aim for, hellogoodbye, Enter shikari...etc

Scene Kid's talk with there on language-
you probally wont fully understand this unless you know the scene.
talking to each other:
That's rad!
You Gash!
You fucking what!
and so on... also using high classed words that under-educated people wouldnt know the meanings of
Online speech-
omg, omfg, many shortcuts for the MSN Emoticons like (Y) or :/ are well used. many words are placed in the square like brackets too.
words are shortened alot to make them better and quicker to type such as, srsly - seriously

Scene Kid's have-
a place where they hang! usually outside there local gig venue or a shopping centre. other places that they go will be hidden and no-body will be able to find them.

A MySpace profile which is usually white as small as possible with one big picture in the about me section. they have about 8734730 picture comments and still think they should have more and then they will delete the picture.
they say a picture is old when it's about a month old. will have lots of friends which they never talk to and will never do aswell.

Scene Kid's also-
go shopping in charity shops.
get wasted every weekend. or any oppurtunity.
order clothes out of catalogs your wouldn't be able to find.
know bands that you wouldnt ever hear of unless your scene too.
show there love romantically.
refer to all the other labels as lower than them and using them as insults.

Scene kid's never ever admit that they are scene.

10 scene points for you
cheers ill give you 10 for the new bandanna
i love you
i love you too

by Danny.K December 21, 2006

17๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


Guys and girls both have the same clothing, hair, and make-up. It fashionable to dig through your closet and look for all your old t-shirts from second grade b/c thats "scene" Its now Okay to shop in the kids department now that your all-grown-up. Wearing thick black glasses even if you don't need them is "scene" too. Going to crappy shows and meeting everyone in the bands is RAD. Must have a myspace or else your just not "scene" ALWAYS end a sentance with "kthnx" its cool.
Take pictures of yourself 24/7 but dont look at the camera, and take them at weird angles. Replace vowels with the letter X. or simply say your hardXcore.
ROFL, Hawt, LOLZ, and LMAO have now become official words.(lyke oh ma gawd)

Lyke Oh my gawd your so gorg! Comm3nt my pix. kthnx.

"lyke fxck you! im hardXcore and your not!"
kthnx bye!

by KayIhArrEye June 28, 2005

41๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person who strives at being part of a specific group of classification. Often refered to people who listen and dress according to the latest fashions of Hardcore or Metalcore. Scene things to do is atttend shows(local small concert venues) regularly. If you are a true scenester then you will go just to mingle with other scene kids and not for the music. Scene kids are usually either straight edge (no drinking, drugs, smoking, casual sex) and are noticable with huge X's on their hands or raging alcoholic/drug addicted/sexaholocics. Scene kids are usually very noticable with tight clothing, some form of Blood Brothers clothing, and crazy hair.

Boys in girl pants or jackets.
Buttons in random places on shirts, jeans, jacket, hoodie, ect.
Hair styles where the bangs are longer than any other part of the hair.

by G! February 28, 2005

43๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž


Perhaps music isn't dead, maybe we just forgot what it sounded like.. While the emphasis on what we experience at a show is continuing to be replaced by the eyes, rather than our ears, the scene will continue to manifest itself beyond any control.. It is simply another example of people being judged for their clothes and image rather than their personality, rise above it if you can!

a guy i know wanted to get an XloyaltyX tattoo for his straightedge commitment the other day, until i reminded him hed already broken it 4 times.. scene kids eh?

by metalXedgeXyourXmumXonXaXstickXcore February 7, 2006

13๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


The scene: is something we live, a community of people that are united in loyalty, trust and common tastes.
lets justify being scene, for all you kids. im sick of being bashed on for the way we choose to live our lives by jelous people.
1. yes we have good fashion sense. guys do have lush hair, and girls do like baby bows and choppy hair. and we do vintage shop find rad clothes and add our own style to them. and alot of us do gauge our ears. atleast we put effort into how we appear. and yes we prefur to be skinny. everything fits that way.
2. yes were good in photgraphy. the crazy angles we take pictures from make our photos not so boring. we do have cool facial expressions and poses. it defines us.
3. we do use the local scene not only to hear raw music and dance, but also to hang out in the setting WE BELONG IN. and choose to be in. like other kids would go to the mall or a sport or something.
4. we do have our groups and ranks within the scene. its not like were gangs and hate other groups. there the people were closest to, like family. and the ranks just depend on how much respect you have from your peers. dont bash on us for that. and yes when new people come to our shows we do size them up to see what there all about.
5. when we say, "im so rad" "im So scene" Im Cooler then you kay?" and other stuff. its usually sarcastic. you know haha funny. but douche bags take what we say seriously because thats how they want to hear it.
6.we dont call ourselves "scene kids" people Label Us That Way.
7. we know who we are. were not just fallowing a trend. the scene isnt a trend its a way of life. and we keep it alive.
8. we do judge everyone, and pin a stereo-type to you and then stick you with the others. im just glad our stereo-type is rad and not some lame difinition.
9. we like it that people are jelous(hate) us.
10. theres a difference between "scenekids" and hardcore kids.

BTW: we Are Cocky, and if you have a bad attidude towards us. were going to have the same towards you. We Do Know Were Better Then alot of people out there, people Just Dont Realize It, Because they Have No Idea What were About. and there to thick headed to learn or try to understand. we have futures. So Fuck Off Kay? thnx.

so to sum it all up, we know what good music is. we know fashion. and we have beautiful hair. deal with it.

your way of atacking us over an online dictionary is not only pointless, becouse what people say about us doesnt faze us, but its also immature, uncool and it shows how jelous they really are. and that we are better then them, because we dont say bad things about the way they choose to live there lives. we have better things to do.

p.s. Were All Magic Ninjas k.

Kids That Go To Local Venues,(The Scene) To Let There Frestrations out and have fun by listening to loud music and HxC dancing

by <3TylaBitesXcore June 2, 2006

53๐Ÿ‘ 52๐Ÿ‘Ž


A concept derived from throwing together many diffrent alternative fashions henceforth creating an "emo" like "gangster" style.

Scene kids have big egos and big attitudes, and should be avoided at all costs due to thier unpredictable behavior i.e wrist cutting or turning "straight edge" to fit in with thier crowd who who kill if acused of conforming, yet do.


Girls, Insecure

Boys, Gay.

by Kiah Von Krunk July 17, 2008

6๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž