Slag and cunt mixed together means " lower than the low" it is an insult and yet quite funny to say .
it can be a noun or verb. means to be high as fuck. or to begin getting high as fuck.
conversation: me- Yo wanna go scut rq. twin- hell yeah lets get scut as fuck
Typically a very attractive/sexy man. Very commonly found in the bathroom taking a fat badooky doo, these animals can be very fast and very aggressive when threatened with cheese and or doritos.
Wow, that scut just took a poo and it smells really good.
Being under the influence of opiates, in a way that causes increased energy and a stimulated feeling
Johnny popped a blue and a half, instead of all four, because he wanted to get scutted and party instead of nod out.
To be almost worked to the point of exhaustion. Doing a job that really required more than one person. Especially, while being short staffed or ineffectively managed.
We had 4 people call out . Management is going to "scut" us out tonight. They need to hire some more people so we don't keep getting scutted every night.