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Shock Rock

generally shocking music often times shock rock bands have elaborate "shocking," stage shows like the band GWAR who dress up in "shocking," costumes and squirt blood on the audience and kill celebrities such as George W. Bush, Osama bin laden and Paris Hilton.

also refers to bands with gory, sexual, or down right nasty lyrics like the band Cannibal Corpse who sing songs like "I Cum Blood." You can already tell how graphic the lyrics in that song.

Other bands in the "Shock Rock" genre are Alice Cooper, W.A.S.P., The Mentors, The Dwarves and GG Allin.

"Damn when my mom listened th the song "Fucking an Animal" by GWAR she flipped and threw all my CD's away, now i cant listen to Shock rock"

"Dude that W.A.S.P. concert was awsome i love how Blackie Lawless spits blood, damn i love shock rock"

by MakeYouCry,aka{DaBr00talz} July 19, 2009

Shock Block

1. The act of emotionally spoiling the content of a TV show, movie, or book for another person, making the other person aware of what emotions they will feel after watching or reading.

2. When someone tells you the ending is "GOING TO BLOW YOUR MIND" and then it doesn't because you knew it would.

3. When someone tells you how much they cried after last night's episode of Game of Thrones.

AKA: Emotional Spoiler, Sob Rob, Feel Steal

"Awww dude, last night's episode of Grey's had me balling my f*#king eyes out."
"Damn it man, you totally just Shock Blocked me!"

by SSOS February 10, 2015

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Face shock

The feeling of surprise after you see someone’s full unmasked face for the first time and they look totally different than you thought they did.

Wow! I had only ever seen him with a mask before. I had such face shock the first time I saw him. He looked totally different than I thought!

by Reflecting back March 21, 2021

shock rockhard

The main character from the popular pornography “The Fucking at Rockhard Manor” written by Charles White, of which that has not yet been published, but critics have said it can be related to Rain Johnson’s “Knifes Out”. Shock is a vet turned genius inventor who attempted to build a machine that can battle the effects of PTSD. Unfortunately for him, right as he had revealed his invention, we was mysteriously “pleasured to death”. His death sparked the investigation lead by the prestigious detective Mike Mitchell.

I hope that I can soon watch the pornography that includes the illustrious Shock Rockhard

I am subscribed to MoistCr1tical on YouTube in the hopes of updates pertaining to the marvelous “Fucking at Rockhard Manor”

by Incontinentia Buttocks February 8, 2021

orgasmic shock

When a male ejaculates multiple times a day, causing the heart to stop at another climax.

During Destroy Dick December, Toby nutted so hard he went into orgasmic shock and died in his mom's water bed!

by Swagertooth Tiger November 13, 2017

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target shock

a strategy in the game Mario Kart to use the lightning bolt, commonly known as the shock, on the player in first place and shock them over a jump that will end in the player having to be dragged out by Lakitu

G8 NOVA target shocked SaiX on Bowser's Castle 64.

by Gonzalo Barrios April 20, 2016

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syllabus shock

When a college class is moving quickly and you are still recovering from looking at the syllabus and it looks like an immense amount of work.

Oh man I cannot even focus, I am still in syllabus shock.

by Tre Stewart February 3, 2009