Evacuating your bowels into a Native American Tee Pee after eating a spoiled bowl of maize.
I hope they don’t find out I did a Wigwam Skadoosh into the Tee Pee after lunch. But I think the maize was bad!
The act of skadooshing or humping the air severely.
Dry hump. Skadoosher
An Irish sporting phenomenon. Similar to squash played with table tennis apparel against an elevated vertical service.
"Game of skadoosh?"
To finalize a deal with someone.
"I won't run out in the road, skadoosh"
I made this word up in 1997/98 or so due to StarCraft Broodwar. (There are witnesses to the event) Listen to the tanks when they go into siege mode & fire. The explosion sound they make sounds like "Skadoosh." I have never seen Kung-Fu panda (I'm 42 now) so that's a kids movie. I just recently learned today that younger people were saying my word & came to see why. We spread it via Battle.net
Im guessing it was appropriated online for explosions (many definitions are for explosions or things getting blown up, but dont say why) & then someone used it for the movie which turned the word into a meme.
Shadoosh simply means boom.
"SKADOOSH BITCH!! (Boom bitch) GG NO RE THX YOU CHOBO!! ME GOSU! AYABABTU!!! Your defense just got wiped off the map. You should have chosen Zerg & rushed earlier so I couldn't have pushed with mech. Now you have to watch me blow up your base. All your base are belong to us!"
The sound of Kung foo panda dude, when using Wushindeiru Middle Finger Hold at Tai pneumonia Lungs, and panda dude says Skadoosh!!!! and Lung is dead because a big dumb shockwave comes out.
Tai pneumonia lungs: The Wushindeiru me-me Middle Finger thingy dumb hold!!!
Kung foo panda dude: Oh, how did you know this shit?
Tai pneumonia lungs: your monkeying, YOUR MONKEYING! Shitfood didn't teach you that!
Kung foo panda dude: Noob, I figured it out (Panda dude flexes finger) Skadoosh!
*Shockwave comes out