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SoaR General

absolute fucking GARBAGE.

"Hey, have you ever heard of SoaR General?"
"Yes, he's a fucking loser."

by twitter: @c6rsten June 21, 2017

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Sophia Soares

Sophia Soares is weirdly attracted to a boy named John Markowski. She is funny, a little crazy, athletic and all around a very nice person. (John Markowski is super hot, no homo.) She's also very cute ;)

Sophia Soares says to her friends "I love John Markowski, hes sooo hot. I pretend my toy flamingo is him sometimes"

by J0nnyB01 June 30, 2021

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A large lump usually forming on the bottom curvature of the testicles.

Kevin was so excited when Notre Dame scored a touchdown that he leapt up into the air, hovering above the couch, then landed hard on one of his own huge testicles resulting in a massive k-soares.

by Ted Banana January 18, 2008

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soar nap

it means that soar is going to sleep for 3 days

dude im gonna take a soar nap brb

by soarosu! November 4, 2022

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alaskin soaring eagle

when a girl sits spread eagle at the bottom of stairs and the guy jumps of the top of the stairs and trys to make his dick in her pussy

"Jennie why you so soar"? "oh me and greg tried the alaskin soaring eagle last night"

by Urbanbuddha March 20, 2012

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soar beaver suprise

when your fuckin this fatbitch from the back and then you pull out kick her in the choch and cum in her face. than screams walrus lover five times while graabing an orange.

wow tank gave vivona the meanest soar beaver suprise.

by dan jeffers November 9, 2004

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Soaring on the wings of a bald eagle

To have spread eagle missionary sex with a female with a shaved pussy

Roommate 1: (text message) Yo dude don't come home tonight I'm gonna be soaring on the wings of a bald eagle
Roommate 2: (text message) Roger Roger runway 69 is open for takeoff

by sraM November 29, 2012

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