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White girl zone

Britney: Omg wanna go to Starbucks?
Tiffany: omggg yessss

Clarissa: I'm gonna get a double venti double shot nespresso iced coffee latte, extra cream no sugar, deep hot blend, roasted, extra hops, nespressalate double cream wipped.

by Based on real life events February 25, 2016


chain of coffee houses serving delicious coffee and baked goods. drinks come in 3 sizes: venti, tall, & grande. founder of the frappucino.

Sarah when you go to Starbucks could you bring me back a venti Java Chip Frap?

by Morgan Alex April 23, 2006

327๐Ÿ‘ 199๐Ÿ‘Ž


Starbucks is a very successful chain of coffee shops around the world. The first Starbucks was privately owned in Seattle, Washington, America and it was also named after a Moby Dick character 'Starbuck'. Starbucks created the 'Frappuchino' which is blended ice with a choice of most variety of their coffee's.

In my opinion, Starbucks is one of the best tasting coffee in the world and the best quality. Starbucks are located in most areas, like two on a street...or more... which is good because theyre easy to get when in a hurry. Starbucks coffee shops are a nice relaxed environment, great to sit and discuss things and to just have coffee and relax.

People who diss Starbucks and say they have awful coffee, which in fact it is just the persons taste in coffee. Not Starbucks. Starbucks put their time and effort into the coffee they produce to ensure it IS the best they can offer which is the best. These people who dislike them must be used to coffee shops that don't even serve coffee, probarbly just heaps of flavouring and tons of sugar and syrup. Starbucks is real coffee, so nerrr.

Larry and Pete are in a hurry to work and they are looking for a coffee shop.

Pete: We need some coffee, where can we go?
Larry (still half asleep): Huh? Oh I dunno...
Pete: How bout we go to the local diner?
Larry: Nah, thats like over the hill, its too far
Pete: Well where? Quick we need to get to work!
Pete: Where?
Larry: The one on the corner!
Pete: No, hang on theres one right here
Larry: What? The one across the street?
Pete: No. The one HERE

*both walk into Starbucks*

Pete: Yay
Larry: Meh...
Larry: *takes sip from his Venti Frapp*
Larry: YEY!!!!!!!!!!! Oh hey Pete, didn't see you there!
Pete: Okay?
Larry: Mornin, I remember what I was going to do today!
Pete: Good to see you're awake!
Larry: I have my Starbucks, Pete. Of course I'm awake.

*both get to work in time, happy and with their Starbucks to get them through the day*

by Starbucksta September 22, 2006

216๐Ÿ‘ 128๐Ÿ‘Ž


Only the classiest and those with the best tastes can enjoy a cup of Starbucks. It is a very unique taste that gets one hooked instantly. It will drain your wallet but the pleasure of drinking this coffee every day outweighs the expense. I sometimes go to Starbucks to get a cup but I prefer buying it by the pound, ground fresh from the store or directly from Starbucks itself. The smell is euphoric. Inhale the fresh Starbucks beans and you will get high. Thats how amazing the smell is. This is the best coffee ive ever had and it may be bitter but you know what I like it bitter, i like it bold, i like it deep and i like it dark. Sweet too. And it never disapoints me. I dont care for all the exotic names, i just know a good cup of coffee when I taste one and man this hits the spot.

Beware of trying Starbucks, You just may get hooked.
He drives his BMW to Starbucks to get a great tasting cup of coffee.
Number one coffee in the World.

by Phil Donahuee September 12, 2006

227๐Ÿ‘ 139๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. To fuck someone over, usually a person dear to you, in a seriously fucked up manner.

2. A crazy person, usually someone emotionally unstable and prone to bouts of rage and hitting and shooting things. They're particularly prone to hitting and shooting those they love.

1. We had this really romantic night, dancing, sex under the stars. She said she loved me and couldn't imagine a happier life without me. Then the next day the crazy bitch totally starbucks me by marrying my little brother! Totally didn't see that coming!

2. All was well when I left for work this morning, hearts and flowers. Then when I got home I gave her a kiss on the cheek and said "I love you baby. You make me so happy." Then she goes absolutely starbuck on me, kicks me in the harbles, and repeatedly hits me in the face. All the while telling me how much she loves me too!

by billius75 July 24, 2009

29๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


A Posh, upscale, trendy, pretentious coffee shop franchaise hell-bent on putting their more sincere competitors (like Dunkin' Donuts) out of business with their "designer" coffee and latte blends that are merely an ultra-sweetened and enriched concoction of Maxwell House, liquid shit and rat semen. They are mostly frequented by snotty, cardigan-wearing yuppie cocksuckers, corporate scumbags in three-piece suits and working class drones who think paying $4.00 for a cup of coffee makes them more successful and important.

FIREMAN: Oh, sir...sir! The World Trade Center has just collapsed and many survivors need help! Do you have any water you can spare?
STARBUCKS VENDOR: Sure. I have some bottled water over here you can have... for 300 bucks a bottle! Heh heh heh!
FIREMAN: You heartless slug... fuck you!

by Rollo & Biff October 30, 2006

1071๐Ÿ‘ 826๐Ÿ‘Ž


A clean and convenient coffee-related beverage provider that allows one to go get a consistently good cup of coffee no matter what town/airport you might be stuck in at the moment. Also, a delightful refuge from the hordes of "hometown" coffee shops run by people with bad attitudes who think they're too good for their jobs and intend to take that fact out on you for bothering to want a beverage served by them in the first place...

See also: A place that the average "Anti-popular-culture-trend-is" Spaz, likes to deride in large groups in order to clearly distinguish themselves from "The Man", "Yuppies," "Rich People", etc. Even though, they'd sell out in a second if they had a chance.

Example: No matter where I travel, I'm always able to order my "decaf-iced-soy-latte" and know that they'll make it right, thanks to the good people at Starbucks.

by SlinksterFeline June 8, 2005

916๐Ÿ‘ 717๐Ÿ‘Ž