Source Code

Strong Bad

The most awsome Friackin Person In the world;The owner of Strong Badia

Put that freakin sandwich down

by Joe Millionare September 4, 2003

8πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Strong Bad

Brilliance, and enscence of masculinity. In adition, he is the best musician of all time!

*music plays*
Whoa, that ruled...what function key do i gotta press to make that happen again?
B) Techno? I heard one of them songs once, it started with...
Then some sound like:
Then like, a syron or something:
Then the obligitory old movie quote:
The system...is down.

"now let's go break open that glow stick and poor it into homestar runner's mountain due!"

by rickythejoe December 6, 2003

5πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

strong bad

A guy that Fhqwhgads tries to play like he nos,
Also, someone that Fhqwhgads tries to jock.

by Onetuplet June 5, 2003

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Strong Bad

One who wears Boxing gloves and Mask, and likes to look at things in a bag

Dear Strong Bad,
How do you type with boxing gloves on

by Greg Horbal May 8, 2003

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Strong Bad

Noun…1-One awesome guy 2- A short bare chested man in a wrestling mask and gloves who will one day become Senior Cardgage. 3- He makes the ladies hot with his bad boy groves and his confident physique.4-the real reason you go to homestarrunner.com.
Syn- See Strong Mad and The Cheat
Adj- See Strong Sad and Homestarrunner

β€œWhat’s not cool about giving you nightmares?"
β€œEverybody to the limit, see me I’m to the limit. β€œ
β€œAli or Ali’s sister.....”

by That hot chick who's dating Strong bad January 17, 2004

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Strong Bad

A total hottie.

I want to marry strong bad.

by Vine January 27, 2004

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Strong Bad

A crazy little man with a mexican wrestling mask, boxing gloves for hands and no shirt. Gets enjoyment from kicking his little yellow dog, The Cheat, and beating up his brother Strong Sad and Homestar Runner. Favortie words: "Holy Crap!"

(Sees really hot girl)
Strong Bad: "Holy Crap!"

by Grant March 12, 2004

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