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Used commonly but non-exclusively in the gay community to describe a daddy/silver fox that pays showers his young man with gifts and money for a little piece of ass here and there.

I know that they're now engaged, but clearly Stephen Fry (57) was Elliot Spencer's (27) "sug."

by cherryjerry January 9, 2015


A synonymy for fake. Most commonly used when describing filler anime characters.

Yo Bearman is a total Sug.

by SubaruNatuski October 9, 2020


Sure. Pronounced, 'shoog,' like in sugar.

For sug gonna be there.

by Chronically Cooking October 15, 2021


When someone says that you can have a sip, but instead of sipping it, you chug.

Jesus: Hey Beyoncé, do you want a sip of this fireball?
Beyoncé: yes please.

* Beyoncé goes in for a sip and takes a chug *
Jesus: No Beyoncé! That wasn’t a sip, that was a sug!

by Randledoodledoo October 3, 2021


Short for Sugar, pronounced "shoog"

"Have a nice day, sugar!" "Thanks, sug!"

by okwhateverden December 28, 2021


a very annoying person

you're a sug
she's a sug

by locogirl62 July 7, 2017


a very annoying person

she's a sug
you're a sug

by locogirl62 July 7, 2017