an company that used to be with gm.
get the dead company, P O N T I A C.
Translator's Note. Usually used in manga translations to convey additional information, though can be written elsewhere, such as fanmade anime subtitles.
See also: TLN or TL note.
A term widely used to describe hard-working people in the medical industry, especially during the time of a pandemic
That bitch dr henry, she's such a C U N T
It is a L I F E S T Y L E
A: So, what do you do for a living?
Me, an Intellectual: T U R B O I N T
bitch you I r r e l e v a n t get the fuck out my face
J. U. S. T. M. O. N. I. K. A. D, that's what stuff monikas into
If someone says something crazy u say
T,C,N which means that’s crazy nigga