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Feeling upset that goes on and on, and won't go away.

When your depressed you feel drained,anger, worthless,every thing is a effort. And like your life is not worth living, can't stop crying and you don't always have to have a reason, your just on edge.
You have so much sadness and pain that what ever you do you can't get rid of. Some peoples depression is obviously not as bad, and doesn't last as long. But major depression goes on for months and some times years.
You sleep more, or you can less. But lots of depressed people sleep in the day too.
Very negative all the time.
Can't see a way out and that your be better of dead.
Feel in despair.
When you feel bad, you often self harm, you just want to hurt you self. You have so much pain inside, yet you don't no why. Depression is a living hell.
All you know is how you feel, day in and out.
Not enough people understand depression.
And not enough right help is given to those people who desperately need it, and end up killing them self.
If you have bad depression that you can get rid of it.
Life is going to be meaningless, and your going to just think about death even if you don't do any thing.
I know, lots about depression NOT by reading stuff i know shit all about.
Basically i live the shit so i know depression.

by angeleyes October 2, 2006

423πŸ‘ 84πŸ‘Ž


A stated in which you feel that everything is never right. It is because you're depressed that you continue to be depressed. Often by use by people who think they are depressed when really they just got left by some one who they thought they "loved". When depressed you often lie about your depression saying that everything is okay and nothing is wrong, in which you lie to yourself. Depression is often caused by friends and family. Feeling "alone", but often just surrounded by people who are your "friends", but never understand you. Surrounded by family that tries to help when they see that your depressed, but just end up making it worse. Suicide is sometimes caused by depression. Depression can be helped by writing poems, expressing yourself, or finding a hobby. Never let your depression be with you and only you. Let someone know.

"What's wrong Eleni?"

"Alone I should say?...
No, not alone, just lonely.
As I am free,
also am I enslaved
With no one around me.
Alone I should say?
Yes, I am, just alone"

by Res RI May 25, 2005

1222πŸ‘ 279πŸ‘Ž


the absolute worst feeling in the world. you can become depressed because of a certain situation, or no situation at all. it is a mental ilness. its not being able to think straight. nothing seems to matter to you, even things that once did. you feel completely alone, in a room full of people, and you often think about the end. depression can lead to that end. depression is probably the scariest feeling in the world, it causes you to think about everything and analyze things way too deep. you wake up in the morning and ask yourself, 'why am i here?', or 'i wish i was dead'. you lost interest in everything, and you feel like you would rather talk to the wall than to the people around you, because absolutely no one understands you at all, and they just pretend to care about you. your body shakes from the small consumption of food you had that day, and all your mind's set on is the next cigarette you're going to smoke.

betty became extremely depressed when her father passed away.

by uballer November 18, 2007

248πŸ‘ 51πŸ‘Ž


Something so deep that hurts you all your life. Something you can’t get rid of no matter how hard you try. Makes you feel like no one cares and no one loves you. It gets to the point when you think your life is worthless and you think that if you die no one would even care. It gets so bad that you start to self harm yourself to try to take away the emotional pain inside you. You start pushing away everyone, even your family. You start to icolate yourself from everyone around you. You think that you are alone in this big world and that no one understands you. It hurts so much it causes some people to commit suicide. Depression isn’t a joke and if you make fun of someone maybe think twice before you do it. You don’t know what they could be going through, and never tell anyone to kill themselves.

Depression ruins your life

by RedheadsAreAmazing April 12, 2018

10πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


the hell that just wont end, like a permanent horror movie of bad emotion, the shittiest feelings that you can feel for weeks, months, years on end. the world might as well be hell for what it is giving you, no wonder 15% of people with major depression commit suicide, you already feel dead...

i have depression, and it is hell

by jhl February 3, 2007

1087πŸ‘ 259πŸ‘Ž


Depression, is a chemical imbalance in the brain, it's much more complicated than not being able to think positive all the time. You cry and everything hurts and your heart, feels like it's ripping, like it wants to come out of your chest cause it hurts. Your brain in the battle field, your at war with your brain, fighting and fighting all this sorrow. You stand still while everyone is walking, your the sad face out of all the smiley faces. Your screaming inside, and you just want it to end. And it hurts. Depression, is much more complicated than not being able to be positive all the time.

This depression is killing me

by J middle school April 21, 2017

17πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


a psyhcological state where you feel like shit, sometimes it's not much, other times you just want to die, anything can trigger depression in some people, me being one of them

"Chris got so depressed that he blew his brains out to stop the pain"

by cough* December 2, 2004

1022πŸ‘ 247πŸ‘Ž