A political cartoon by Ben Garrison, released on January 7, 2021. This cartoon, along with the even more controversial cartoon that Garrison posted the day after, was the last straw that caused him to be banned from Twitter.
"The Backstabbers" depicts several former allies of Donald Trump wielding comically large knives, while walking down a red carpet with a sign that says "BETRAY THE PRESIDENT - GET IN LINE." The line of knife-wielding "backstabbers" includes: Mike Pence, Michael Flynn, William Barr, and many others.
Someone who betrays you or betrayed you.
Person A: Person B is a backstabber.
A backstabber is commonly someone who was your friend or is a sibling, but decided you weren't good enough for them so they decided to say bitchy things about you behind your back.
She was being a backstabber by telling them my secret.
Someone that would befriend your worst enemy just to get their face on a stupid fucking billboard, then try to come back claiming to be your ally.
The backstabber wasn't quite the ally or friend that she said she was, if ever you did think she was a friend of yours.
a person that you think is your friend but the second the get the chance, they will turn against you and do something horrible. i've met this kind of person recently, and even is you say you dont wanna be their friend, they will come crawling back,. NEVER say yes to them ever again. they're really bad infuences on others.
person1: Ew look its that girl E----h.
person2: ugh she's such a backstabber to that poor girl.
Used to refer to players who attack through the back, usually on shooters.
Someone who you tell a promise to, who says will keep, but ends up lying and telling others.
That Maria is a backstabber!