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forum gnomes

The little people who run around forums spamming off topic day in and day out.

Oh god, Anitanium is a forum gnome.

by Derrick January 13, 2004

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forum moderator

A member of a forum that has extra rights and abilities to "keep the peace" and enact the rules set forth by the website admin or owners. Is most oftentimes (98%) a nerd that got his ass beat in high school and feels that, through the only authority he will ever obtain, he must take it out on "normies" and the rest of the world, by enforcing pointless rules. Usually in real life, they don't do well in direct sunlight and can't backup any confidence in real life.

Usually forum moderators that follow the rules strictly or more than a passive/collected moderator are enormously boring in real life, but think they are interesting and liked because of their personalities on the internet world. They don't realize it's the same reason why people try to make "friends" with a police officer.

"I couldn't figure out why I didn't have any cool friends, so I became a forum moderator in order to take my pain out on the world."

by rorytmeadows January 15, 2010

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The Royal Forums

An online chat forum based on Vbulletin software. Owned and operated by Social Knowledge.

While this forum was once a very well respected source for royal related information, it has in recent months become much more of a "sugar board" with the threads deteriorating into such expresesions of "how beautiful", "how pretty", etc. Unfortunately it appears that the management of this forum does not have the best interest of it's community at heart.

The Royal Forums


by RoyalWatcher January 24, 2010

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Royal Forums

The Royal Forums : Internet dwelling of spinsters and gays fascinated with all things Royal. Chatter may follow the lines of "Queen Camilla : Yay or Nay?" or "Who would you rather do? William or Harry?". Old Queens guaranteed.

Royal Forums topic: http://www.theroyalforums.com/forums/f23/is-the-monarchy-worth-keeping-14557-20.html#post715992

by BeatrixFan March 8, 2009

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Forum Nazi

A Moderator of a forum that takes it upon himself to randomly delete posts with no forewarning, or locks threads without any explanation.

I replied to this question earlier, but the Forum Nazi deleted my post a few hours ago.

by {42}Sanf0rd May 1, 2003

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forum junkie

Someone who is constantly roaming from forum to forum, post to post, looking for new places to comment or threads to start. In extreme cases this can replace having a social life in the real world. The full on forum junkie can be spotted by their pale complextion due to lack of natural light, skitishness around real people and the fact that they hardly leave their room if they don't have to.

What's he doing?

Ah... - the usual, just browsing around his haunts, he's a forum junkie.

by Andy C Southampton November 2, 2006

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Forum Ghost

1. an online forum member who is invisible as being active or online
2. an online forum member who posts very infrequently

1. userA: It doesn't show userB is online, but he just responded to my post.

userC: userB is a forum ghost. He may be here. He may not be.

2. userA: Where's userB and userD? They haven't responded for a week.

userC: They are forum ghosts. It may be a while before you get a response.

by rxm6 February 19, 2009