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popular girls

The popular girls can be really snotty but they can also be really phony. They can act like your friends when there really not. Some of them will date several guys in a span of months. Thing is even though they are bitchy, they really are just like average people. The popular girls do such a great job of fitting in. There'll hate anything they consider "weird" or different. You think they are the picture of "normal" and boring but they have their own insecurities and things that they don't want people to know or are different about them (one of them is a lesbian now).

Popular girls make fun of people, spread rumors and tell lame blonde jokes.

by SakuraSaku October 22, 2016

4๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Popular Girls

Girls who:
Are blonde(mostly๐Ÿ˜)
Shop at designer places
Are cheerleaders
Have bfs
Steal other girls bfs
Make fun of people
Throw the biggest and most legendary parties

Have a small vocab of: OMG, like, so totally, lame, loser, hot, omg girl!, and (how could i forget) gallons of curse words i cant even write down
Have a dictionary of curse words
Carry purses
Get horrible grades and yet still pass
Make you feel low
And of course: BE FAKER THAN BARBIE!!

Santana: OMG did you see her outfit? So totally lame!
Quinn: right! Omg girl!
Britteny: her hair! It should be arrested for the crime of sucking!
Kitty: eww look at her face! It look like a bear punched it and she decided its good makeup!
Quinn: her face is so acne covered pizza is jealous!
Santana: i hate Rachel
Rachel: *flinches* i heard that! And please dont be jealous when im in my New York skyscarper apartament and you are all working a Lowes! *rums off crying*
Britteny: loser
Rachel: i hate absolutley hate popular girls

by Unpopular Cheerleader October 1, 2018

2๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

popular girls

Oh my gosh, I'm so tired of you ridiculous people being so fucking immature. If you 'hate' us so much, come do something about it instead of ranting about it on the internet. You can't solve anything doing that. It just sets the spotlight on your low social skills, being unable to 'tell us off' and all face to face. I unfortunately cannot do that because according to you, the 'everyone' that hates us isn't saying shit in person.

Stereotyping people is not a way to judge people. Reading your definitions remind me of those retarded sluts in movies and low budget TV shows. By watching a couple stereotypical shows and labeling us, I'd say you're as bad as you SAY we are. Our vocabulary range does not simply consist of, "OMG! Like totally!". Who the fuck even came up with that rumour. That's like me claiming that intellegent people only say, "superb" or "ownz0r". Even though I know that there may be a few who do actually talk like that, I'm not going to start a vicious rumour that all intellegent people in general do talk like that.

Popular girls in general are what modern society call 'beautiful'. If you hate us for our physical appearance in which we're born with, then we have the right to hate people for their intellegence. Sounds fair? They're both worked on, born with and could be enhanced. I think that everyone has the potential in being very smart, or very pretty. It simply depends on what they do with themselves.

By 'beautiful' I don't mean makeup beauty. The girls who hide their face behind layers of powder are not what I call popular. They're called 'sluts'. They're the ones who NEED the makeup, because without it they'd look like a piece of shit. And they think that without looks, they'd be a loner because their personality is poor. Once in a while, we may put on eyeliner and such on certain occasions. There's a fine line between 'sluts' and 'popular' but I would hate to have anyone else confuse the terms. They're usually confused because both categories tend to be attractive.

We shop, so what? Shopping is a hobby that people practice. If you don't want people to attack you for reading, then don't bloody attack other people for their hobbies. We all have different interests but everyone who bad talks us can't seem to set that fact aside. Being angry at popular people for shopping at certain stores is like us being angry at you for buying books at Chapters. It just doesn't make sense. It's as if we don't buy clothes at whereever you buy clothes, we're 'rich bitches'.

If we want to date attractive boys, then we will. You can date whoever you want and I personally wouldn't give a shit. If you do happen to date an attractive boy, I would not see you as a popular person. Just a girl with an attractive boyfriend. Who we date should not place us into stupid categories.

We wouldn't go out of our way to slam you into lockers or beat anyone up. That's what you call 'bullies' who satisfy themselves by physically beating people daily. We'd only fight if you've done something that really offended us. Like you, it's natural to fight back.

There are popular people who don't get onto the Honour Roll every year. I do not think that that means that they're stupid. Wake up, there are unpopular people who also do not get onto the Honour Roll. Does that mean that they're stupid? Are you going to start insulting your own 'comrades' and call them 'idiots' or that they'll never amount to anything? No matter what, there are going to be people who are smarter than others. Just because there'll be a few popular girls who aren't straight A students, doesn't mean that they'll end up working at a fast food resturant. So just lay off the typical "all popular people are retarded" saying, because frankly, you all aren't rocket scientists yourselves.

You say that we don't have friends because people we hang out with backstab us? How the fuck would you know. Considering as to how much you hate us, you're obviously not a 'friend' of ours personally. Stop your wishful thinking, maybe it's you yourself who have backstabbing friends. Or perhaps you ARE the backstabbing friend. I'd say you're a hopeless loser who's desperate to be 'popular'. The only way you think you could be 'popular' is to backstab your so called friend. Pretty damn pathetic. These people are not popular and never will be considering their attitude.

So there we go, I've cleared up most of the major misunderstsandings. If you still hate us, then go ahead because it's impossible to love everyone. If it makes you feel better about yourself to trash us indirectly, then I think that you're the one who should be hated. This time though, stop stereotyping us and insulting us for things that you do yourself. And if you must, then fucking do it in person. Because we're right there, you can come up and tell us what you think about us anytime... and we'll always be here no matter how much you want us to disappear. Just don't expect us not to give you our own opinion.

popular girls are beautiful, fun, well educated, often stereotyped, etc.

by perfectscandal June 2, 2006

58๐Ÿ‘ 120๐Ÿ‘Ž

popular girls

The most popular girls of them are (using popular as the stereotype, not the real sense of the word) the ones that are NOT popular at all. These are the girls who make fun of the tip top of the popular scale, so everyone likes them. These are the girls that pretend to be failing every class but really they are genius who get into class rooms with hot football players. These are the girls that pretend to be dorky but they are georgeous, so itโ€™s like a brain fuck effect. Who likes the main coach of the football team? No one. But every one loves the runner up ( but just as perfect and rich) co โ€“captain. They suck because when you accuse them of being popular or stuck up they say they are notโ€ฆ and often evidence to prove the fact that everyone loves them is easy to find but they back that up with โ€œIโ€™m nice and these 3 people *fill in names* hate me. Duhโ€ then theyโ€™ll continue to go out to not so cool places just to make themselves look that cooler. Bitches.

Iโ€™m not popular girl 1: I love good will. Iโ€™m such a dork
Iโ€™m not popular girl 2: o my gowd youโ€™re so dumb. Lets go work out so weโ€™ll be hot outcasts

by Dahnyehle the great June 25, 2005

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popular girls

fucking hott girls that everyone wants to fuck but they know they can never get them. every girl wants to be them so they act like they hate them when theyre actually jealous.

dude that girl is so fucking hott, no wonder she's one of the popular girls

by whoaaalex February 13, 2009

24๐Ÿ‘ 56๐Ÿ‘Ž

Popular girl

A hoe that is always with the other popular bitches she's not a Virgin she has had 10 iPhones this year she is rich anorexic and a slut.

Hey the populars are dieting again and did you hear that she got caught doing all the boys and all she got was a warning so pretty much popular girls are hated by few even though they shouldn't be.

by Da chick February 5, 2015

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popular girl

Similar to prep. They have a lot of friends, and everyone (or at least most people) knows them. Luckily, they are not as mad and snotty as preps are. Most of them are very nice.

Typical Wardrobe - Same as everyone else: Abercrombie, Hollister, AE, and Aero. They also sometimes shop at other stores, like Wet Seal or H&M.

Omigod, here come the popular girls, surrounded by people.

by Hillary! January 3, 2007

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