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Puff, puff, peace!

When you hang around only to smoke, and become high, and then immediately leave to either go home or do whatever. Doesn't matter if you supplied the weed or not.

Annie hung around long enough to get chink eyed then grabbed her keys and left, total puff, puff, peace!

by West End Girl September 10, 2010

10๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Puff Puff Passed

A movement of cannabis activists uniting to defend against the federal government interfering with legal cannabis patients (10th amendment) state rights to medicate. Most supporters are also in active pursuit of full legalization, and wear pro-cannabis clothing brands, one of which is named "Puff Puff Passed."

The Puff Puff Passed movement supports worldwide cannabis legalization.

by Myle Higher November 21, 2011


Jake Franks

Hi Jake, I wonder how you got here but since you have found this just admit you are a puff!

by Why you breath fo February 10, 2018

6๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


A blanket filled with down feathers. It is extremely warm and especially good for the winter.

Coleman had never heard of a puff until he went to college but now he wishes that he had a gorgeous, warm, thick, feathery blanket to adorn his bed.

by Coleman Your Wrong October 26, 2005

17๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž

Eggy puff puffs

An disgustingly smelly egg based fart!

Excuse me vicar, just a case of the old eggy puff puffs.

by robert dent March 2, 2007

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an extremely warm and snuggly quilted comforter

oh my lord this puff is so comfortable I COULD JUST DIE

by songbird94 May 6, 2013

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puff puff

In reference to "puff the magic dragon". The dragon represents slang for a mans penis. The womans vagina is often referred to as the "cave" where puff puff lives.

"Is puff puff coming home tonight?"

"Puff couldn't get up"

by purp_dub March 8, 2010

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