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Sloppy Joe

When you drop a deuce and your significant other uses the feces as lubricant to jack you off.

Mike, "Hey bro how was last night with Sally?"
Tom , "She tried to give me a sloppy joe but the stank of my dank made me go limp."
Mike, " Ya'll nasty as hell."

by Timmy 5 cocks December 27, 2016

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Sloppy joe

While in the midst of it, you ask preferably a female to lie on her side and shat. Once it starts coming out (approx 3 inches) you slam her butt cheeks together forming an ass hamburger. You then proceed to open the butt cheeks back up and eat it like a sloppy joe.

I told Steve his breath smelled like absolute shit to which he replied," no shit partner... I just ate a sloppy joe". Shitty bastard....

by Pirates booty April 6, 2017

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Sloppy Joe

The act of one person pooping into another person's rectum and then engaging in anal sex with the receiving rectum.

Did you kiss her?
No, but I gave her a Sloppy Joe.

by CaitlynJennersVagina November 8, 2015

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sloppy joe

when two people have anal sex while one is constipated

guy #1: Fuck i made a mistake last night

guy #2: what happened?

guy #1: i had a sloppy joe last night

guy #2: wow you have some really bad luck

by Baron A June 3, 2010

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Sloppy Joe

After fornicating a menstruating vagina (if you're stupid,after fucking a bleedin' pussy), rub your penis vigorously about her lips and chin, thus creating the illusion
of having eaten a Sloppy Joe.

I fucked that raggin' bitch then fed her a Sloppy Joe!

by DirtyFlyBoyz November 10, 2006

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sloppy joe

When in the 69 position the male is on top driving his penis into the womans mouth as he slowly pushes out a shit so that it drops on her face

Wow babe you really cleaned up nice after that sloppy joe I gave you

by T-Ben June 25, 2009

37๐Ÿ‘ 66๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sloppy Joe

You soak a load of toilet paper to get it nice and moist and then you lob it at any window/car/person/unexpecting victim/arab/expecting victim or any other object you would want to throw wet loo roll at.

I was walking to work and I got sloppy joe all over me

by TJ Baxter March 4, 2009

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