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A show on...CBS??? that was sadly canceled

Scorpion is a cool show

by Thatgrill October 14, 2018


Also known as a scorpion dive. A scorpion, in its colloquial usage, stands for a faceplant with very high forward momentum, sending one's legs above the head and, in worse cases, ending in a roll forward or (only on soft materials like gravel and loose dirt) sliding forward on one's chin. Causes high neck pain.

A: Hold my beer y'all, see me do a minute-long nose manual on a motorbike!

12 seconds later... *crash* *screech* *ow*

B: Did that redneck just fall from his motorcycle, land a scorpion on gravel and keep sliding for 6 seconds?

by Egg F1337 September 15, 2016


a name for a powerful tank off of HALO

the scorpion is an awesome tank

by Dirge January 30, 2005

21๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž


A powerful battle tank in Halo, that's most likely the deadliest weapon in the game. It has a cannon that shoots 90mm shells that can kill any infantry and most vehicles instantly, and also has a machine gun for close range. The machine gun was used by the driver/cannon shooter in Halo CE and 2 but was shifted to a passenger in Halo 3. It's much better than the Wraith tank, as it's faster (except if the Wraith uses its boosters), the shells are much faster, accurate and slightly stronger, and it only has one weak spot (the canopy that the driver gets into) unlike the Wraith which has two obvious ones. Naturally, it owns everything, and is so tough even a Spartan Laser can't destroy it one shot. Run!

The UNSC got a battalion of M808 MBT Scorpions and pwned several Wraiths and Scarabs in Halo.

by AoA February 19, 2009

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The Scorpion

When a man before,during, or after sex takes his finger and fish hooks the females mouth, anus, or vagina pulling it towards his crotch region to insert his penis all while saying very loudly "GET OVER HERE" like scorpion from mortal kombat . This can be preformed with or without the female's consent This must be preformed while the female is conscious or else this would be classified as a "Creepy Crawler"

"Yo my friend almost gave his girl the scorpion after senior dress up day"

"i live in a giant bucket"

by Sketchy Steve December 5, 2007

12๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž

the scorpion

The scorpion is performed by two perpetrators on a victim: one perpetrator gives the victim a double titty twister from behind, causing the victim to instinctively arch his back. When this happens, the second perpetrator punches the victim in the ballsac.

Mike: Did you hear what happened to Jared?
Pete: Yeah, he got the scorpion!

by Wang Bandit July 11, 2008

9๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž


a group of females that like to poke each others pussy (with clothes on) without pleasure

girl 1 & 2: *poke* girl 3: *moan* damn, why are you scorpions always poking me??

by Black Cracka April 24, 2010

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