Somebody who comes to the sudden realization that they can count the number of wars and genocides that HAVEN’T been caused by religion on one hand, and that maybe mass indoctrination isn’t such a good idea. Cannot stress enough that anti-theists don’t hate people who are religious, they hate the way religions control people from a very young age and how they threaten people with a nonexistent threat if they don’t do as they are told.
All my life I was raised in a Christian household, I was a good follower, I never questioned anything. But the more I thought about it, the more I came to the realization that religion is completely illogical and just doesn’t make sense. I tried to tell my family that I was an atheist, and my dad beat me within an inch of my life. After that I decided that anything that would influence someone to beat their child almost to death in the name of a nonexistent being can’t be just ignored, it needs to be stopped. It was then I became an anti-theist.
Theist unity, also theistic unity and religious unity, is a term used to describe the idea of union of all religions and theist spiritualities on the same team. The theist unity idea appeared as a way to encourage religious and spiritual people to unite themselves against atheism and scientific fanaticism, such as enable to all theists cooperate with each other such as happens with left unity, right unity and so on.
"I like the concept of theist unity, this concept might be really useful to unite humanity to implement divinialism and start with the transition to a divine society. Even the theist unity would be even harder than left unity and right unity."
Theist Unity, also Theistic Unity, Religious Unity, Spiritual Unity, Esoteric Unity and Divine Unity, is a term used to refer to the idea that all religions and spiritualities are essentialy the same and that all gods, religions and spiritualies are essentially the same and come from the same source. Theist Unity often supports that religions and spiritualites should stop fighting each other to see how different they and stop fighting for why they aren't the same and unite themselves and realize they all come from the same divine source and that everyone should embrace the idea of divinialism and transcendentialism and use of their religions and spiritualities in order to reach a high level of being-existence and even godhood and the divine itself. Theist Unity often advocates that religious and spiritual people should also unite themselves against new atheism, secular fundamentalism and anti-theism since both don't want humanity to reach a high level of being-existence and not even godhood nor the divine.
"Theist Unity is a really good concept, it should be embraced and promoted even more, despite the strong resistance against it, it would be amazing to see all religions and spiritualities united with the goal to turn humanity into highly evolved beings and reach the goals of divinialism and transcendentialism."