Source Code

phone thuggin

To aggressively pursue contact with another individual via telephone

yo, why you gotta be phone thuggin me son?

by Ferd Tergurssen March 26, 2008

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possi thuggin

short for positive, and possible thuggin. commonly refferd too in the style of hardcore music. you can also say posi thuggin. we don't hate only love! that is the true meaning of posi or possi thuggin!

bro your super possi thuggin!

cool story that was posi thuggin!

by prpwoe January 4, 2019

WiFi Thuggin

When your phone has no service, so you use Wifi to communicate, or browse your social medias.

Person 1: What's your number ?
Person 2: My phone's off, hit me on Imessage, Im Wifi Thuggin right now.

by 281WileBoy October 2, 2019

backseat thuggin'

it's not a thing it's an activity. what you must do is:

1. sit somewhere towards the back of a gathering of people (ie: a classroom)

2. often times you either must look really cool or really threatening, often giving dirty looks at a speaker

3. can only be done in a public gathering (ie: a class, lecture, public address)

Jack: hey, Alex, Steve looks pissed.
Alex: Naw, he ain't pissed man, Steve be backseat thuggin'.

by Solid.Snake1985 April 6, 2013

email thuggin

Being passive aggressive in an email in a corporate setting. Going back and forth in an email and making shitty comments to the other party on the sly.

I'll get on my email thuggin game too and fuck his world up.

by T-Drizzle April 21, 2017

thuggin for christ

When a nigga think he camoflauged from the popo in the name of god but really just burned too much purp.

Yo leroy it saturday night grabs the hood rats and 40s we can ride dirty in my whip and no one will know i be thuggin for christ my nigga

by bloopidybloop April 16, 2016

thuggin me

Giving one a hard time. Not caring about someone or the situation

You say you want a real one but you be "thuggin me" what is that about?

by Solonotes May 4, 2019

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