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Indiana Toaster Strudel

1. Urine and Vodka
a. Usually a result of running out a mixer, in addition to being extremely intoxicated.

2. Urine and any other liquor

Since they had more alcohol than they did mixers, the partiers eventually had to start making Indiana Toaster Strudels.

by KiwiGalore March 19, 2007

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The Very Angry Strawberry Toaster Strudel

While bangin a chick vigorously while she has her period, some of the blood gets in the guys' dick and when he cums in her armpit, all the juices extract at once resembling a strawberry toaster strudel.

Chelsie: My arm's all sticky from The Very Angry Strawberry Toaster Strudel Nick delievered to me last night, and it won't wash off.

by Touchmy Strudel August 14, 2010

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Toaster Strudel

Its when you burn them alive then cum on them

Ricky: Hey bro gave tiffany the toaster strudel last night

Bobby: Damn bro!!!

by DaddyNeedaJUICE August 29, 2018

Toaster Strudel

The act of burning someone alive and proceeding to ejaculate semen on them.

Yo I pulled a toaster strudel on that bitch last night

by gaviCn May 28, 2018

Toaster strudel

A very intense way of having rough hardcore sex

Aye bitch let’s toaster strudel

by Pappygottadigbick December 18, 2024

Toaster Strudel

When a male bursts a girl's hyman and then proceeds to ejaculate on the surface of the vagina in a zig zag pattern resembling a Toaster Strudel pastry.
dirty whitedragon poptart cum cherry

"Dude I gave Mary a toaster strudel last night! Too bad it doesn't taste like the pastry.

by Superphunthyme69 February 9, 2016

Toaster Strudel

When a woman is on her period and the man finishes on her chest.

'"Yeah I toaster strudeled my girlfriend last night."

by That_one_weirdo42 December 25, 2020