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men who are complete douchebags to women. They walk all over women and they expect them to gravel at their feet. They are demanding and selfish and not to mention SELF CENTERED!! They usually travel in packs, wear wayto much hairspray, look in the mirror more than a girl and who wear man flops in all weather conditions. They are usually wearing jeans with holes and a polo with the collar popped. They tend to meet in clubs and hit on girls that they will take home, screw, then forget about. WARNING: If your man thinks hes prettier than you.. HES A TOOL. DUMP HIM!

J:"He's only with you cause youre a virgin, guys like him love virgins."
A:"yeah youre right hes a total tool."

by JmeMuhRee January 20, 2010

9๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person (usually male) that displays/shows off talent of no value, like bragging about how many hot wings they can eat. A tool may find themselves looking more stupid or gay trying to prove their manliness.

If challenged of his grinding skills, the tool may succumb to grinding against another man if promised "the shiznit award" or "Super dank shizzle biznatch award" and the validation from bi-standers that he is in fact manly.

by Maliaoz September 1, 2009

9๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


1) Some who is used for the benefit of others.
2) Someone who does things so others will accept them.

People who wear aviators are tools.
People who use the word tool in daily conversation, because they think they understand what it means, are tools.
People with the initials J.D. are all tools.

by smity g July 11, 2008

40๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž


A band formed in the early 90s with Maynard James Keenan on vocals/synth., Adam Jones on guitar, Danny Carrey on drums and Justin Chancellor on bass. A true band that doesnt rely on the studio to make their music sound awesome and actually sound better live than on album. They not only have the most talented instrumentals today but also have deep, thought provoking, meaningfull lyrics.They arent in it for the money and have yet to sell out to the mainstream, unlike countless other bands today. If you want to listen to music on the calibre of Led Zeppelin, Alice in Chains, Mettalica, and Pink Floyd, than Tool is right up your alley. If youre a brainless sheep that thinks everything MTV says is the wisdom of the gods and think fall out boy and the jonas brothers is real music, than I'm afraid Tool is not for your ears.

Hormonol preteen girl: OMG!! The Jonas brothers are so h0tt they r000ck!!!! If you dont like them you must be like gay or somethin

Me: To bad looks have nothing to do with making good music, and at the end of the day bands like Tool actually write their own songs unlike the jonASS brothers.

*Hormonol preteen girls head explodes*

by Turd Furginson January 1, 2009

72๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž


aka a Curnock. A person (usually male) who hides his feelings by acting like a complete dick'ed or 'tool'. He will happily abuse and insult his friends by doing stupid, immature impressions of them - but using the same voice and facial expression for each person. He is also known for agreeing to do something or go somewhere, but then jibbing it at the last minute - leaving the other person/people hanging.

Hey look who's doing an impression of you on the bus again... what a tool!

by BT.MASSIVE September 16, 2010

10๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


An off-duty Law Enforcement officer who carries a handgun while in The Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney World.

I can't believe that tool brought his gun to Disney World.

by Finster Baby October 24, 2010

13๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


The actual definition for a tool would have to be everyone if you follow the definitions of "poser." Don't kid yourself, you've tried to be someone you're not.
A tool is a gullible fool, which everyone was at one point.
So you wanna know who a tool is? Look in the mirror. Saying you're a tool because you listen to Good Charlotte? Please. You probably got made fun of for listening to them that's why you're saying it.

YOU ARE A TOOL. Thank you.

by RxKxO January 5, 2007

74๐Ÿ‘ 47๐Ÿ‘Ž