Someone who is not a parent to X, but who identifies as a more appropriate parent and advisor to the child X, than their actual parents.
Mrs. Knight, a 5th grade teacher : “Make sure this email is deleted too when we are done bc otherwise when your mom looks, you will be outed instantly.”
5th grader at risk : "Ok, Mrs. Knight. It's a secret. I wish my mom let me do everything I wanted too"
Mrs. Knight, a 5th grade teacher : "Of course, honey. As your transparent, I want only what's best for you, dear."
Someone who is not a parent to X, but who identifies as a more appropriate parent and advisor to the child X, than their actual parents.
Mrs. Knight, a 5th grade teacher: “Make sure this email is deleted too when we are done bc otherwise when your mom looks, you will be outed instantly.”
5th grader at risk : "Ok, Mrs. Knight. It's a secret. I wish my mom let me do everything I wanted too."
Mrs. Knight, a 5th grade teacher : "Of course, honey. As your transparent, I want only what's best for you, dear."
This is a retort to when someone alleges they are being fully transparent when they are, in fact, utterly full of shit!
Loni: "I was so ready to help you all with that emergency work, but I am being fully transparent when I say that I was too upset to be able to do anything. I'm sorry but .."
Jake: "You're not sorry. You were outside eating Chick-Fil-A playing on your phone. It seems you are transparently trying to act like you give a shit. You don't, Loni! And I don't care about you..."
Stuff people wear so that they can expose their penis/vagina