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The single largest congregation of faggots on the internet.

"Hey man, I went on Tumblr for the first time today!"
"I had no idea how much of a faggot you are"

by Mr. Brevik April 7, 2013

122๐Ÿ‘ 54๐Ÿ‘Ž


Probably the best and easiest to use blogging platform, but it is riddled with errors and hipsters.

Guy: Whoa check out this awesome picture I took. I wonder how I could share it with the world!
Girl: You should join Tumblr. It's pretty easy and fast.

2 weeks later


by overuoveru December 5, 2010

350๐Ÿ‘ 158๐Ÿ‘Ž


A toxic website full of whiny, offended people who have nothing better to do other than angrily ranting about how oppressed they are. Beware of the SJW According to Tumblr, if you're white, cis or straight you're immediately a terrible human being.

Person 1; Omg, have you ever heard of Tumblr?

Person 2: From what I've heard, it's a hellsite

by hisakuu November 5, 2017

3๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


A treacherous social media site belonging to everyone who is not acceptable on other platforms. The Tumblr site itself is too chaotic and intimidating for most people to process, even if they think our shitposts are very funny. They prefer to watch us and laugh at our memes from afar, in a controlled environment, like YouTube compilation videos, in subreddits (r/Tumblr), or occasionally Pinterest. It seems to be much simpler and easier to comprehend that way, without the complication and stress of having a Tumblr account of your own. The hellsite in all its raw, unfiltered rage can be overwhelming for the untrained eye.

Why do I even have a Tumblr account anymore. . . this entire site is an Internet-based flaming garbage can.

by bamboozled-rainbow-cheesecake April 12, 2019

2๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


A place for a bunch of little 15 year olds who try so desperately hard to be cool and "hipster" (and even openly claim they are). Pretentious people, especially the "Tumblr Famous" who are usually rude when asked questions and are probably just a 16 year old girl who knows absolutely nothing about life and still complains how much their pathetic life sucks on Tumblr. No one cares, and thats why you use Tumblr. For those who try so hard to be indie, listens to crap music, and a minor who has no real life but Tumblr.

How people are on Tumblr:
Post "Yeah my life sucks I have an eating disorder I hate everyone at my school"
Replies: "omg you're amazing i love you don't listen to anyone else!"
Post "I really want to work in the fashion world when i grow up because like im still 16 lawlz"
Replies "omg with your blog you'll totally make it!"

by Haterzgonnahatezz May 31, 2011

161๐Ÿ‘ 73๐Ÿ‘Ž


At first tumblr seems like a very accepting community, but do not be fooled they are one of the most hateful community that guilt trips to feel pity for them or reblog their post often by saying "if you dont reblog this your a monster". They often self diagnose themselves using webMD and believe that seeing a professional psychologist is ineffective because they dont know how to deal with the mind. Be wary that some actually seen a professional and not just quizilla. Tumblr supports many genders, sexualities, unless your white, well off or upper class, male cis, happy and satisfied with your life, and use other social media sites.

lets move onto fandoms( NOTE YOU CAN ENJOY THESE THING WHILE NOT BEING AN EXAMPLE OF THE EXAMPLES ARE THESE ARE BASED ON WHAT A MAJORITY OF THE FANS ARE LIKE). Fandoms are a community fans of a particular thing (homestuck, harry potter, etc...) they are very very very strange

(Example) this fandom sucks

Homestuck : hehe yeah

Superwholock : what the fuck did you say, we are not to be made fun of, we can summon demons, travel through time, kill you and make it look like an accident, and blah blah blah gif for everything

(Example) I ship/pair (insert unliked or underrated pairing here/straight ship here)

(Like literally every fandom) sends hate anon on or off

( Hetalia 1) um you misspelled UkUs/rages into piss fit

(Hetalia2) what, really, you too

(Example) I dont ship (one of the popular ships)

(Every single fandom) sends anon hate

Tumblr is a toxic hate filled environment that says they love and respect every and are insensitive sensitive jerks with the feels. It also brings down your mood. Seriously, dont do tumblr. Also their staff is literal shit

by Miaou March 1, 2015

28๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


A popular, fast-acting, back-door virus that can be planted on one's computer in under 3.5 seconds. Commonly found on all Mozilla Firefox, Safari, or any Windows system.

Person 1: Hey man, have you heard about this new site called Tumblr? I've never been on it.
Person 2: Do not go on it! I tried to and a virus shut down my computer. I had to call geek squad, but they couldn't fix anything. I'm fucked!

by thisisoursongsosingalong February 25, 2011

238๐Ÿ‘ 110๐Ÿ‘Ž