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U.S Army ranger

A high speed death machine trapped in a douchebags body, that cut the bullshit, and picked their vagina off the ground and went the RANGER SCHOOL. They shave with chain saws. Rangers have skills,, RANGER SKILLS (examples: rock marching, mountain tossing, super repelling, parachuting, volleyball, and DEATHBLOSSOM)


by 69sussybaka420 February 2, 2022

U.S. judicial system

The single biggest travesty the world has ever seen. Most of the flaws lie in the police stations, full of corrupt officers that became cops because they got beat up in school or they wanted to feel special. They ultimately do more harm than good making plenty of stupid and unnecessary arrests that are based on "facts" that are mostly made up. Often have some bias involved. Then it all gets passed through the courts which aren't much better. Most judges see how bullshit the entire case is and want to dismiss it, but they have to cover the dumbfuck cop's ass so they proceed as thought the case were valid. In the end, a mostly innocent person gets a punishment they didn't deserve and the cop keeps collecting a paycheck they don't deserve. It has ruined countless lives because of bullshit charges.

An example of the U.S. Judicial System in action, The following is a true story.
One day at a Jefferson county middle school a fairly large boy tried to joke around with another one by acting as though he were to sit on him. The puny little boy had some serious anger issues and started kicking the larger boy in the stomach as hard as he could. When he finally stopped the larger boy sat down next to the smaller boy. a few minutes later, for no reason the small boy started kicking him again. This happened several times until class let out. when the larger boy stood up he was in a lot of pain and kicked the smaller boy once. Then the small boy shoved him and it wsas the final straw the large boy shoved him once and he flew across the room. The school called the police and after a few interviews with the amazingly bad cop manipulating everything said guess who was charged with what? It was the larger boy, who took a considerable beating and only struck the other boy twice. He was charged with THIRD DEGREE ASSAULT FOR SHOVING SOMEONE ONE IN SELF-DEFENSE. I think this proves how bad the judicial system is.

by superninjapenguin February 28, 2007

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U.S. Dexing It

Typical Word in Middle School- - -
Meaning a realtionship should be happening but neither person would ask the other person involved out, because he or she is too scared. But inturn they are ALREADY going out.

Orgin- Idaho

I am U.S. Dexing it with Joanna.

by Bonzi March 27, 2005

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U.S embassy pizza

fucking dogshit ass pizza and its only good when its eaten a day later after being left on the counter

Person 1: Bro the .U.S embassy pizza last night was garbage

person 2: I know right! I took a bite and all of the cheese fell off
Person 1: It also tasted like rubber lmao

by US embassy pizza November 22, 2021

U.S. Red States

Mostly non-urban portions of the United States typically with the lowest per capita income and education levels but the highest crime rates, divorce rates and percentage of the population that describe themselves as "Christian".

The term is derived from the 2000 presidential election where TV News broadcasts colored the US map with red for states carried by George W Bush. The term has become a shorthand for the conservative side of the cultural divide in the US.

In Red States, the Republican Party has co-opted the most extreme conservative position on cultural issues and managed to conflate these issues with patriotism and family values.

Red State voters, while often the poorest, most ill-informed and least educated of the electorate vote against their social and economic self-interest because they view "values" as the measure of good governance.

The term is now expanded to describe a lifestyle and attitude that is anti-elitist and attached to American symbols such as the flag, large SUVs, NASCAR, Wal-Mart and country music.
See also Blue States

Mega-churches in the Red States distributed Christian voter guides to steer their congregations to vote for Bush in 2004.

by clindsay August 27, 2005

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U.S. Virgin Islands

Unincorporated territory of the USA located in the Caribbean, west of the Leeward Islands.

I want to go to the U.S. Virgin Islands for holiday!

by subscribe to me on youtube pls September 15, 2018

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U.S. polo assn

a fake brand of clothing that will often get confused with real ralph lauren polo's, and if caught wearing a U.S. polo assn shirt, you will get packed on severely.

dude 1: aye yo, check out my polo.
dude 2: nigga thats U.S. polo assn!
dude 1: oh no...
dude 2: now im bout to pack the shit out you.

by FishstickMafia June 12, 2010

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