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A school that is apprantly jealous of USC and has whole bunch of students over here giving thumbs up and down because they don't have anything else to do I'm guessing?

A school that can't hate on Berkeley instead because they know they lose. So they are hating on USC because they are about to take over their place.

UCLA says USC makes people make too much in tution but guess what guys? UCLA's just as expensive as USC for OOS so it sucks for me either way. And besides, least USC's paying for 40K of it. Good luck relying on poor cali government for your tuition. You most likely won't get crap. ^_^

I'm one of those new freshmans you guys are talking about @ USC and I didn't even bother to apply to UCLA because I know they suck (and also because their application date was in november.. wtf)

You can't spell ruin without bruin ^_^

Least USC TROJANMAN gets some action. I rather be a condom than a UCLA's nonexistant bear like animal of some sort that nobody ever sees. Whereelse would you be called a Trojanman? And besides Brad Pitt was a trojan man in Troy and he did both Angelina Jolie and Jenifer Aniston.. Be jealous UCLA that you can't be a Trojan man.


106๐Ÿ‘ 259๐Ÿ‘Ž


stands for University Closest to LaGrange Avenue... reffering to morraine valley community college

"Hey Joe, where ya going to college next year. I've got some big plans to go to UIC.
"Thats sweet dawgg. I'm going to UCLA"
"WHAT?! You're moving to Cali?"
"Naw bro, UCLA.. as in morraine valley haha "

by c-sizzllee fo shizzlee February 11, 2009

18๐Ÿ‘ 38๐Ÿ‘Ž


a top tier public instution in west LA. Good faculty, but snot nosed students that feel the need and have the endless insecurity to bash its rival USC over petty disputes and sometimes over things USC actually HAS that UCLA doesnt (such as it's current superior sports programs and actualy having an undergrad buisiness program).

A good school in a good area, but students that are far too embittered with overzelous rivalry, hate and insecurity to appreciate it and respect others.

Hi, i go to UCLA, i like to call USC students spoiled even in the face of obvious rich bel air and beverly hills snobs going to my school.

if we're not winning in sports, "we used to so we're better" and if we're winning "we were always the best".

we also shun what we do not have but our crosstown rivals do so we go on urban dictonary and make up bitingly rude and false definitions of USC.

by Tommy and Bruiy should be friends, but ignorance drives us apart September 24, 2004

148๐Ÿ‘ 422๐Ÿ‘Ž


A school of sad, sad kids. Apparently, due to the number of "Up" votes for anti-USC, pro-UCLA definitions, there are a lot of UCLA kids lurking around urban dictionary. Compare this to the noticeable, comparatively less number of "Up" votes for pro-USC, anti-UCLA definitions.

Here's the big secret: It's due to the fact that kids at USC have LIVES and usually don't hang around the web and try to one-up and bash their rival school on a WEBSITE.

Obvious conclusion: So many UCLA kids only frequent urban dictionary because they are worried and insecure, and can't one-up or bash the winners at the University of Southern California in any other arena but the safe and faceless world wide web.

Like I said: sad, sad kids. :(

Just wait and see how many "Down" votes there'll be for this definition, and you'll see how many insecure UCLA kids there are neurotically checking out UCLA definitions on urban dictionary.

Other words to describe many a UCLA kid:


Or just: Trojankiller

by anonymous April 19, 2005

149๐Ÿ‘ 431๐Ÿ‘Ž



So... according to UCLA kids, only "mentally retarded" people go to USC? USC is academically inferior with an intellectually inferior student body?

Check the new facts. Paste the links in your browser (take out the space after the ".com"s).

http://talk.collegeconfidential.com /showthread.php?t=61648

http://www.livejournal.com /community/usc/420758.html#comments

http://www.livejournal.com /community/usc09/23159.html

Uh-huh. Read it and weep. UCLA gets a little worse in quality and in the rankings every year, and the quality of USC just keeps getting better.

What's the difference between a USC student and a UCLA student? Both were accepted to UCLA.

by TroJennifer May 13, 2005

23๐Ÿ‘ 55๐Ÿ‘Ž


actually dumbasses, ucla is 27 now, and usc is 26...

"I go to UCLA, we think we're better than USC solely because we aren't in central and our classes are 'sweet' "

"I got to USC and we shirts with a picture of Tommy trojan buttfucking a Bruin, suck on that."

by Fuckotron August 25, 2006

60๐Ÿ‘ 187๐Ÿ‘Ž


Why do kids from UCLA feel the need to bash USC so much? If they feel they are so superior, why do they seem to get off on bashing the "inferior" USC? Aren't they supposed to be "above" that? I thought UCLA kids were supposed to be "smart." Since when does "smart" correlate with "derisive, insulting asshats"?

Insulting and elitist: bad combination, UCLA, and you're not even a Northeastern Ivy or anything.

Oh, and insulting USC by saying it's in the ghetto? Not cool. If you don't like "racist" Trojans commenting on all the "yellow people" at UCLA, trying to get at 'SC for saying its in the ghetto (i.e. in the black part of town) is JUST as hypocritical. Since when is being located or coming from a certain place apt reason for insulting?

UCLA kid: Hah hah hah, I have no life! I like looking at college rankings and getting off on how USC is ranked so low compared to UCLA!
Person #1: Blah blah blah. Everyone knows that UCLA is just where the cheap people or the Berk rejects go. Enjoy your three years as a sophomore at UCLA, prick!

by Boo hoo :( Let's see how many "down" votes the pricks will give this one May 6, 2005

119๐Ÿ‘ 403๐Ÿ‘Ž