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A massive trainwreck.

United States: *Surpasses China in coronavirus cases*
Americans: USA #1!! USA! USA! USA!

The USA was hit by massive protests and riots in major cities following the death of George Floyd, a black man, in Minneapolis, MN. He was killed by police brutality.

by cap'nobvious June 1, 2020

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


A country with problems, although is still the greatest country that has, does, or will ever exist. Bashed by jealous and ignorant European democratic socialists (aka really sneaky communists and people who dont want to work) as well as obnoxious American liberals who became whiney idiots in 10th grade because they were picked on and now have a grudge against the established world. A country whose current president and his predecessor have and had potential but failed quite thouroughly to govern the country. A country that is facing great difficulties and challenges but will persist and thrive no matter what gets thrown at it. The USA is the greatest country in the world.

The USA is nowhere near perfect but is nevertheless by far the greatest country in existance.

by I Wear One Sock May 7, 2010

120๐Ÿ‘ 121๐Ÿ‘Ž


country located in the western hemisphere. it is the country all other countries wish the could be like! our constitution kicks ass and people in other countries wish they had brains to think of it first so they go on urban dictionary and smash USA because they are jealous their country sucks ass! USA rocks at the olympics and owns football!! hell yea!! and we can stick it to every other country and the sports that they invited and do it ten times better. we work...unlike other countries...we are smart ..unlike other countries...and we have no reason to to creat hurtful definitions of other countries because we arent jealous. our country has accomplished more than many well established countries such as france, britain and etc. we help other countries, even those who hate us, when they are hurting from natural disasters and terrorist attacks. our military rocks and the people are for the most part genuinely kind and accepting. i ventured into other countries and none of which are as diverse in their terrain and in their people!! USA USA USA !! suck it dicks!!

hey did you see Michael Phelps on the USA team!! Damn he's good!! Those Americans are Freakin Beast at everything!

"we the people in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice in sure domestic tranquility! provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our prosterity! do ordain and establish this constitution for the United Staes of America" - all by memory bitches... if you dont like america ...GET OUT!! WE DON'T NEED YOU OR WANT YOU ANYWAYS AND YOU CAN SUCK A COCK IN ANOTHER COUNTRY!!

by americanlover March 2, 2010

83๐Ÿ‘ 82๐Ÿ‘Ž


A big country using up precious space between Canada and Mexico. Despite constantly claiming to be a superior country above all others the USA is hated by 99.9% of the rest of the world. This is mostly do to the fact that almost all of the people are ignorant of the entire world around them (The only other country that exists to them besides their own is whatever country their currently in war with, usually for oil), taking way too much credit where they don't deserve, especially WWII (You came last minute and dropped a couple of bombs in Japan killing over 100,000 civilians, indeed, you should feel very proud -.-) and also for sticking their nose in the affairs of countries that don't need or want their help.

To be fair, there are many decent Americans but they get overshadowed by the stupidity around them.

Oh look, Egypt is having a revolution... oh no... for the love of God USA, don't get involved!

by Sereia February 11, 2011

38๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž


United States of America

The country where the internet was created.

"I want to bash the USA. It's a good thing they made the internet, or I would have nowhere to post my ignorant comments."

by Scoomdot November 6, 2005

630๐Ÿ‘ 755๐Ÿ‘Ž


A country whose main moral justification for existing is its geopolitical policies during the second world war which have somehow subsequently been portrayed as a humanitarian intervention rather than a political long-term strategy for survival.

European citizen: "The USA consistently invades sovereign nations, supports and empowers dictators, sells weapons and advanced technology to rough nations, kidnaps and tortures other nations' citizens, etc. This has got to stop. You're destroying the very democratic values upon which the Founding Fathers created you."

American citizen: "Well... you weren't this cocky when we helped you guys against the Nazis fifty years ago!"

European citizen: "Oh my fucking God, here we go again... your highly praised participation in the WW2 didn't come out of sheer solidarity, you ignorant fuck. I know you guys are short on history, but pick up a God damn history book. The only reason you participated in the WW2 is because you knew you were going to get dragged in at some point. Even your politicians knew that, however, it took a bloody massacre on your military forces before the American public realized it might be in their own interests to fight a growing fascist superpower. NOW STFU!"

by Common sense from the Motherland August 31, 2007

228๐Ÿ‘ 263๐Ÿ‘Ž


The world's most powerful Corporate Oligarchy. Most of it's citizens are too brainwashed and demoralized to create any real change or revolutions.

Many citizens of the USA would rather help big businesses than help their fellow citizens.

by Striker122 December 29, 2010

60๐Ÿ‘ 68๐Ÿ‘Ž