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Boi wth boi

The expression you’d use when someone does something stupid or something you don’t understand.

Joey: “I stuck my dick in a blender and turned it on”
Rob: “boi wth boi

by ᴊɪᴛ August 22, 2022


what the hell

aye u seen mya got her ahh woop ?

wth cuz.

by daonlyme October 31, 2022


Waiting to hear. Could include the frustration and impatience inherent in "what the hell."

Don emailed me about the allegations. WTH from Mike.

by BeleriandWillRiseAgain August 21, 2020


wth is the internet slang abbreviation for "what the hell" or "what the heck"

Guy1: What's up
Guy2: I pour milk before cereal
Guy1: Wth is wrong with you

by IPlayBloxFruits_12 September 15, 2023


This means What the heck

Person 1 Ur ugly
Person 2 WTH

by WTH i forgot my name July 30, 2021


either means "what the heck" or "what the hell" honestly both works IN TEXT, if you say w t h while having a conversation with someone its totally cringy

mina types "wth" when joe sent her a picture of her house.

by beanydip December 1, 2022


slang for what the hell, used for typing

dude wth would you do that

by mnbjkl January 21, 2021