Is a measure of simply how fast a wasteman can produce wass, hence the ‘rate’ of ‘wass development’.
Audace’s RWD (Rate of Wass Development) must be off the charts... especially when surrounded by the mandem or with a beer in hand.
Wgen your ass disappears into your waist small ass
Damn that doods ass is so small hes got a wass
Spunk, ( used by those whose last name is wass)
someone cool and swag
person 1 : damn bro you're kinda wass
person 2 : thanks
Nonsense, rubbish, bullshit.
Accompanied by a perplexed and repulsed look.
Mandem use it on a daily basis as their vocabulary is limited.
"not a day goes by without the local nitty chatting wass"
"I hear that bro."