Source Code


We Tall Did.
A retarded way of saying the word "retarded".

Duh, hi, my name is joshef, and I'm we tall did. Der, uh huh.

Joe: sup
Jenny: hi, john
Joe: ya see debby today? what's wrong with her?
Jenny: yeah, idk. she's wtd.

by GeckoLT November 8, 2006

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A shorthand way of commenting on something that demonstrates that we still have Work To Do to address an issue such as racism, homophobia, poverty, bullying, etc.

I can't believe that someone would think its ok to wear blackface as part of a costume. #wtd

by Proudfiji November 10, 2013

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Wing Tip Distance.

Pass West of hwy 191 at 1/4 WTD heading south

by Dirty S-FO March 7, 2007

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Abbreviation for Weapon of Total Destruction. A colbalt bomb is a WTD.

Where most are afraid of a WMD, most should be afraid of WTD.

by Leleo November 8, 2005

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within the darkness a mod for vampire the masqurade

a mod for a game

by rayness June 17, 2003

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O!wtd means Obesssed! with the disco, a term meaning 'obsessed with people knowing that they are a real fan of the theatrical rock band, Panic! at the disco.'

Though some of them are people who really are about the music, many of them pedal the speech that they are a real fan just because they liked them a year before they were released into the mainstream, and listen to more songs then just 'I Write Sins Not Tragedies'.

Ashley: OMG! You are so fake! You liked panic at the disco after they went mainstream and only listen to the singles!

Katie: Ashley is going crazy.
Hannah: no, its just that she's getting all O!wtd on everyone.

by KatiePWNSn00bz December 6, 2007

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what to do

it's raining outside wtd

by gayryakhar January 24, 2020