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Y/n energy

In self-immersion fanfics, “your name,” or y/n, is a character.
Y/n energy is when someone is qUiRkY
Not like other girlsss 😂🥰😊😇😚🙂😝😇🧐🤣🥰🤣😛😇😌😗😗😂😛
They’re 3’2 and have orbs
They can’t swim
They s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-stutter an annoyingly fake amount cuz they’re q-q-q-q-q-q-q-quirky
They’re built DIFFERENT 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥶🥶🥶😓😥🥶😱😢😓😥😢😰🤗😢😱😶 🌫️
They’re the ✨main character✨
Basically, they’re just the main character

Kristen: Oh my god I’m so ugly why does my bf love meee
Kristen’s Friend: wow y/n energy

Kirsten: Im so weird I s-s-s-s-s-s-s-stutter
Kirsten’s Friend: ok y/n Jesus the y/n energy radiating off u rn is crazy

by PrettyPeony123 July 11, 2021

y/n syndrome

The implication of someone behaving like a "y/n" character (The main character in a fancic) but in real life.

Emily🥺: Omg the teachers here are so finee
James: Bro she must have y/n syndrome

Allie: For real miss girl is trippin idk who she's talking about

by 90° Pop corners November 16, 2021


Usually used in fanfics, F!Y/n stands for Female Your Name. Basically it is including you, fanfics with this in the title are made specifically for female readers.

Titles would say something like,

'*character name* × F!Y/N'

by Melody xox August 24, 2021


Hawaiian. text acronym for Hawaiian.

Hang with ur H-Y-N friend.

by smithdws October 9, 2009

26👍 18👎

y/n <3

Y/n is one of the most important people on this whole platform. There's no way to define y/n, just a way to describe them : Lovely, beautiful, amazing and lastly. Y/n is definitely worth it!

Name 1: "Hey have you eh, seen y/n <3? "
Name 2: Yes I have seen them, i think y/n is having fun rn

by Ushikaii :D September 9, 2021

4👍 4👎

y/n x shrek

relationship goals

1: im reading a fanfiction
2: cool what is it
1: y/n x shrek
2: were done charles
1: but anne..
2: charles stfu

1: =,<

by frog the ultimate idiot February 11, 2021

Y/N x Dabi

hi.. it's me.. y/n.. i'm not your typical white girl.. i'm.. sorb3t.. Strawberry, BLUBERRY! mina no aido wa?? BERRY-CHWAN!! :3

"Hey I can be the bweuberrie to ur sterawberie" I look behind and I saw.. dabi-kun.. "NEE?? nande?? dabi-san?" he looks into my eyes and smiles "hai, daijobudeska?" I blush, my whole face turns red. "You really look like a strawberry now ;)" I blush again I look away "your as hot as a strawberry with tomato sauce on it gurl" dabi kun smiles away at compliment "hey todorochi-kun" HUH?? Is that.. the cute todorki sama?? todorochi approaches me "hai ;-;" "i heard your in debt". I begin to cry as I know what hes doing. "let me pay your debt pls O-o". I start to cry even more because I have been rasing my 10 kids by myself. As i cry i fall into todorochis arms. dabi gets jelous " GET OFF MY GIRL B***** YOUR JS A STUDID little emo gurl" dabi punchese toddorochi away as he begins to growl and his eyes turn red "im going to use my power on you" DABI NUU!! BDABI SAMA!! ur gonna get hurt! "I am going to do this for you, baby." he winks and punches todoroki with his flame quirk "ah" todorki cried "NOOOO todosama" grr... "THIS IS WHY DAD DISOWNED YOU" omg! todosama dont say that! "grrr....." his eyes turned red and growled like alpha.. "THERES A REASON WHY YOUR MOM IS IN A MENTAL ASYLUM" OMG!! "NO WAY YOU JUST SAID THAT! TAKE THAT BACK RIGHT NOW" todoroki said.

Todoroki and dabi leaned in for a kiss

OMG!! no spoiler sorry cliffhanger

open ending

Person 1: "hey have you seen that AMAZING Y/N x Dabi fanfic?"
Person 2: "Yeah it's AMAZING!"

by kerokuro June 1, 2023

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